The project is in a healthy, maintained state
OxAiWorkers (ox-ai-workers) is a cutting-edge Ruby gem designed to seamlessly integrate a sophisticated state machine with the powerful capabilities of generative intelligence via the ruby-openai gem. This innovative tool empowers developers to construct state machines that efficiently handle complex tasks, enhancing outcomes by combining robust internal logic with advanced AI-driven decision-making. Key features include straightforward creation and management of state machines, harnessing AI for improved decision-making and task execution, customizable behavior to suit specific requirements, and user-friendly syntax and documentation for a smooth development experience.
 Project Readme

OxAiWorkers (ox-ai-workers)

Gem Version

OxAiWorkers is a Ruby gem that implements a finite state machine (using the state_machine gem) to solve tasks using generative intelligence (with the ruby-openai gem). This approach enhances the final result by utilizing internal monologue and external tools.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ox-ai-workers'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install ox-ai-workers


Here's a basic example of how to use OxAiWorkers:

# Load localization files and set default locale
# Uncomment this if you want to change the locale
# require 'oxaiworkers/load_i18n' # only for pure Ruby
# I18n.default_locale = :ru       # only for pure Ruby

# Require the main gem
require 'ox-ai-workers'

# Initialize the assistant
sysop = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Sysop.new(delayed: false, model: "gpt-4o")

# Add a task to the assistant
sysop.task = "Add a cron job to synchronize files daily."

# Provide a response to the assistant's question

Alternatively, you can use a lower-level approach for more control:

# Initialize a worker for delayed requests
worker = OxAiWorkers::DelayedRequest.new(
    model: "gpt-4o-mini", 
    max_tokens: 4096, 
    temperature: 0.7 )

# Alternatively, initialize a worker for immediate requests
worker = OxAiWorkers::Request.new(
    model: "gpt-4o-mini", 
    max_tokens: 4096, 
    temperature: 0.7 )

# Initialize a tool
my_tool = OxAiWorkers::Tool::Eval.new(only: :sh)

# Create an iterator with the worker and tool
iterator = OxAiWorkers::Iterator.new(
    worker: worker, 
    tools: [my_tool] )
iterator.role = "You are a software agent inside my computer"

# Add a task to the iterator
iterator.add_task("Show files in current dir")

# Provide a response to the gpt's question

With Config

For a more robust setup, you can configure the gem with your API keys, for example in an oxaiworkers.rb initializer file. Never hardcode secrets into your codebase - instead use something like dotenv to pass the keys safely into your environments.

OxAiWorkers.configure do |config|
    config.access_token = ENV.fetch("OPENAI")
    config.model = "gpt-4o"
    config.max_tokens = 4096   # Default
    config.temperature = 0.7   # Default
    config.auto_execute = true # Default
    config.wait_for_complete = true # Default

Then you can create an assistant like this:

assistant = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Sysop.new()
assistant.task = "Remove all cron jobs."
# assistant.execute # if auto_execute is false

# Provide a response to the assistant's question
# assistant.execute # if auto_execute is false

Besides, you can create assistants with different locales

I18n.with_locale(:en) { @sysop_en = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Sysop.new() }

# Assign tasks and responses in different languages
@sysop_en.task = "Remove all cron jobs."

Or you can create a lower-level iterator for more control:

my_worker = OxAiWorkers::Request.new
my_tool = OxAiWorkers::Tool::Eval.new(only: [:sh])

iterator = OxAiWorkers::Iterator.new(
    worker: my_worker, 
    tools: [my_tool],
    role: "You are a software agent inside my computer",
    on_inner_monologue: ->(text:) { puts "monologue: #{text}".colorize(:yellow) },
    on_outer_voice: ->(text:) { puts "voice: #{text}".colorize(:green) },
    on_action_request: ->(text:) { puts "action: #{text}".colorize(:red) },
    on_summarize: ->(text:) { puts "summary: #{text}".colorize(:blue) }

iterator.add_task("Show files in current directory.")
# ...

If auto_execute is set to false in the configuration, don't forget to manually execute the iterator or assistant.

iterator.execute # if auto_execute is false

This way, you have the flexibility to choose between a higher-level assistant for simplicity or a lower-level iterator for finer control over the tasks and tools used.

Advanced instructions for your Assistant

steps = []
steps << 'Step 1. Develop your own solution to the problem, taking initiative and making assumptions.'
steps << "Step 2. Enclose all your developments from the previous step in the #{OxAiWorkers::Iterator.full_function_name(:inner_monologue)} function."
steps << 'Step 3. Call the necessary functions one after another until the desired result is achieved.'
steps << "Step 4. When all intermediate steps are completed and the exact content of previous messages is no longer relevant, use the #{OxAiWorkers::Iterator.full_function_name(:summarize)} function."
steps << "Step 5. When the solution is ready, notify about it and wait for the user's response."

# To retain the locale if you have assistants in different languages in your project.
store_locale # Optional

@iterator = OxAiWorkers::Iterator.new(
  worker: init_worker(delayed: delayed, model: model),
  role: 'You are a software agent inside my computer',
  tools: [MyTool.new],
  locale: @locale || I18n.locale,
  steps: steps,
  # def_except: [:summarize], # It's except steps with that functions
  # def_only: [:inner_monologue, :outer_voice], # Use it only with your steps
  on_inner_monologue: ->(text:) { puts "monologue: #{text}".colorize(:yellow) },
  on_outer_voice: ->(text:) { puts "voice: #{text}".colorize(:green) },
  on_action_request: ->(text:) { puts "action: #{text}".colorize(:red) },
  on_summarize: ->(text:) { puts "summary: #{text}".colorize(:blue) }

Worker Options

As a worker, you can use different classes depending on your needs:

  • OxAiWorkers::Request: This class is used for immediate request execution. It is suitable for operations that require instant responses.

  • OxAiWorkers::DelayedRequest: This class is used for batch API requests, ideal for operations that do not require immediate execution. Using DelayedRequest can save up to 50% on costs as requests are executed when the remote server is less busy, but no later than within 24 hours.

Rails Projects with DelayedRequest

Generate your model to store the batch_id in the database:

rails generate model MyRequestWithStore batch_id:string

In your app/models/my_request_with_store.rb file, add the following code:

class MyRequestWithStore < ApplicationRecord
  def delayed_request
    @worker ||= OxAiWorkers::DelayedRequest.new(batch_id: self.batch_id)

Then you can use the iterator like this:

# Fetch the first stored batch
my_store = MyRequestWithStore.first

# Get the worker
my_worker = my_store.delayed_request

# Create the iterator
iterator = OxAiWorkers::Iterator.new(worker: my_worker)
# ... use the iterator

# Destroy the store after completion
my_store.destroy if my_worker.completed?

To store your batches in the database, use the following code:

# Get the worker from the iterator
my_worker = iterator.worker

# Store the batch_id if it's not completed
unless my_worker.completed?
  my_store = MyRequestWithStore.create!(batch_id: my_worker.batch_id)

Command Line Interface (CLI)

  1. Navigate to the required directory.

  2. Initialize with the command:

    oxaiworkers init

    This will create a .oxaiworkers-local directory with the necessary initial source code.

    Additionally, you can initialize a more comprehensive example using the command:

    oxaiworkers init full

    After this, in the my_assistant.rb file, you can find an example of an assistant that uses a tool from the tools/my_tool.rb file. In the start file, you will find the algorithm for applying this assistant.

  3. Modify the code as needed and run:



OxAiWorkers uses standard logging mechanisms and defaults to :warn level. Most messages are at info level, but we will add debug or warn statements as needed. To show all log messages:

OxAiWorkers.logger.level = :debug

Real World Examples

Project: Python Snake Game

  1. Create the project folder:

    mkdir snake
    cd snake
  2. Initialize OxAiWorkers:

    oxaiworkers init
  3. Modify the file .oxaiworkers-local/start:

    # Replace
    @assistant = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Sysop.new
    # With
    @assistant = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Coder.new(language: 'python')
  4. Run the project:

  5. In the command prompt, type:

    @assistant.task = "Write a snake game"

Running System Operator in Any Directory

To run OxAiWorkers in any directory, execute the following command:

oxaiworkers run sysop

Alternatively, you can use IRB (Interactive Ruby):

  1. Start IRB:

  2. In the console, enter the following commands (see Usage section):

    require 'ox-ai-workers'
    @sysop = OxAiWorkers::Assistant::Sysop.new

Then set a task:

@sysop.task = "Show all cron jobs"

After these steps you can interact with it using the following method:

@sysop.add_response("Yes, I want it")

or set a new task.


  • Generative Intelligence: Leverages OpenAI's capabilities to enhance task execution.
  • Internal Monologue: Uses inner monologue to plan responses and articulate main points.
  • External Tools: Integrates with external tools and services to complete tasks.
  • Finite State Machine: Implements a robust state machine to manage task states and transitions.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/neonix20b/ox-ai-workers. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the OxAiWorkers project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.