Add gem to your Gemfile and run bundle
gem 'payoneer-rb'
All of the following properties have to be set in order for gem to work properly
# config/initializers/payoneer.rb
Payoneer.configure do |c|
c.environment = # payoneer env (:sandbox (default) | :production)
c.callback_url = # callback url used for sending auth codes (Optional)
c.program_id = # program id
Create a signup url
> response = Payoneer::Payee.create_link(params: { payee_id: '<payee_id>' })
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x0000000106404708 @body={"registration_link"=>""}>
> response.registration_link
=> ""
Use { existing: true }
if you want to generate a link for an existing user.
Use { consent: true }
if user needs to be redirected to consent flow after registration/login. Note: callback_url
has to be specified for this feature to work.
Get the payee status
> response = Payoneer::Payee.status(payee_id: 1)
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x000000010c58fc20 @body={"status"=>"Active"}>
> response.status
=> 'Active'
Get the payee details
> response = Payoneer::Payee.details(payee_id: 1)
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x0000000111ce6640 @body={"account_id"=>"5510700", "type"=>"INDIVIDUAL", "contract"=>{"email"=>""}, "address"=>{"city"=>"Berlin"}}>
=> ""
> response.address['city']
=> 'Berlin'
Release the payee
> response = Payoneer::Payee.release(payee_id: 1)
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x00000001110e7060 @body={"payee_id"=>"12345"}>
Create a payout
> response = Payoneer::Payout.create(
payment_id: '123abc',
payee_id: '1',
amount: 170.45,
description: '',
currency: 'USD'
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x0000000106eb58a0 @body={"result"=>"Payments Created", "payment_id"=>"123abc"}>
Please keep in mind this an async process. Additional validation is being applied on Payoneer side.
For payment status check use .status
method described bellow.
Check the payout status
> response = Payoneer::Payout.status(payment_id: '123abc')
=> #<Payoneer::Payout::Status:0x000000011005dac8 @body={"status"=>"Pending", "payment_id"=>"123abc"}>
> response_failed = Payoneer::Payout.status(payment_id: 'abc123')
=> #<Payoneer::Payout::Status:0x0000000107a66a28 @body={"status"=>"Failed", "payment_id"=>"abc123", "error"=>{"description"=>"Server Error", "reason"=>nil}}>
> response_failed.error['description']
=> 'Server Error'
Check the program balance
> response = Payoneer::Program.balance
=> #<Payoneer::Response:0x0000000109d53b80 @body={"balance"=>50.0, "currency"=>"USD"}>