Ruby on Rails 4 Paperclip pdf to img Processor
This gem is a simple Paperclip processor which uses rmagick/ImageMagik to convert uploaded pdf files to a image file. This processor supports multiple pages
This gem is written and tested on Ruby on Rails 4 only. However, this could work on other versions as well provided that paperclip and rmagick is working.
In order to install it, add
gem 'pdf2img-paperclip-processor'
to your Gemfile and run
bundle install
in your console. Bundler should take care of all the rest.
or else, you can just download the file and copy it to paperclip processors folder of your project.
rmagick Instalation
Install rmagick from source or using your favorite package manager.
Various Linux distributions should use similar methods with their respected package managers.
Using Processor
Use it as you would any other Paperclip processor. In your model:
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :pdf,
:styles => { :final_doc => {:format => "png"}},
:processors => [:pdf2img]
which will convert your pdf document into a png, and keep both files (.png and .pdf) on the server
Release info
Be warned, this gem is released as early beta version. If you are using it you are doing so on your own responsibility.
Have fun with it and drop me a note if you like it.