Pickler¶ ↑
Synchronize user stories in Pivotal Tracker with Cucumber features.
If you aren’t using Cucumber, you can still use pickler as a Pivotal Tracker command line client, provided you humor it with a features/ directory containing a tracker.yml file.
Getting started¶ ↑
gem install pickler echo "api_token: ..." > ~/.tracker.yml echo "project_id: ..." > ~/my/app/features/tracker.yml pickler --help
For details about the Pivotal Tracker API, including where to find your API token and project id, see www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api .
The pull and push commands map the story’s name into the “Feature: …” line and the story’s description with an additional two space indent into the feature’s body. Keep this in mind when entering stories into Pivotal Tracker.
Usage¶ ↑
pickler pull
Download all well formed stories (basically, any story with “Scenario:” in the body) that are not in the “unstarted” or “unscheduled” state to the features/ directory.
pickler push
Upload all features with a tracker url in a comment on the first line.
pickler search <query>
List all stories matching the given query.
pickler start <story> <name>
Pull a given feature to features/<name>.feature and change its state to started.
pickler start <story> -
Pull a given feature to a file name based on the title and change its state to started. (I use this more than any other command, and you probably should, too).
pickler finish <story>
Push a given feature and change its state to finished.
pickler install-vim-plugin [<directory>]
Installs the Vim plugin to <directory>, or ~/.vim/plugin. This plugin currently only provides omnicomplete (CTRL-X, CTRL-O) of feature ids in Git commit messages.
pickler --help
Full list of commands.
pickler <command> --help
Further help for a given command.
Contributing¶ ↑
Pull requests will be ignored if they don’t follow the Git convention of a 50 character or less subject and optional paragraphs wrapped to 72 characters. See stopwritingramblingcommitmessages.com/.
If I provide you with feedback on your pull request, generally you should squash your changes into the previous commit when submitting a second request.
Disclaimer¶ ↑
No warranties, expressed or implied.
Notably, the push and pull commands are quite happy to blindly clobber features if so instructed. Pivotal Tracker has a history to recover things server side.