Pipio parses Pidgin (formerly gaim) logs. It can output
them in Adium format by calling to_s
on a Pipio::Chat
object or any of the
message objects in Pipio::Chat#messages
For the impatient
To deal with meta-information about the chat itself:
path_to_chat_log = File.expand_path('~/path/to/chat_log.html') # or .txt
chat = Pipio.parse(path_to_chat_log, ["Gabe B-W", "Gabe", "Other Alias"])
if chat
puts "Screen name of the person you chatted with: #{chat.their_screen_name}"
puts "Chat contents, in adium format:"
puts chat.to_s
puts "Oh no! Could not parse! Please open an issue."
puts path_to_chat_log
exit 1
Or, to deal with individual messages in a chat:
chat = Pipio.parse("/path/to/log/file.html", ["gabe", "gbw", "gabeb-w"])
chat.each do |message|
puts "Screen name of person who sent this message: #{message.sender_screen_name}"
puts "Alias of person who sent this message: #{message.sender_alias}"
puts "Time message was sent: #{message.time}"
if message.respond_to?(:body)
puts "Message body: #{message.body}"
if message.respond_to?(:event)
puts "Event type: #{message.event_type}"
elsif message.respond_to?(:status)
puts "Status: #{message.status}"
puts "Message in Adium format: #{message}"
The fine print
This library needs access to aliases to work correctly, which may require a bit
of explanation. Adium and Pidgin allow you to set aliases for buddies as well as
for yourself, so that you show up in chats as (for example) Me
instead of as
However, Pidgin then uses aliases in the log file instead of the actual screen
name, which complicates things. To parse properly, this gem needs to know which
aliases belong to you so it can map them to the correct screen name. If it
encounters an alias that you did not list, it assumes that it belongs to the
person to whom you are chatting. Note that aliases are lower-cased and space is
removed, so providing Gabe B-W, GBW
is the same as providing gabeb-w,gbw
You do not need to provide your screenname in the alias list.
gem install pipio
To get a coverage report, run rake
with the COVERAGE
environment variable
With thanks to Li Ma, whose blog post helped tremendously.
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Gabe Berke-Williams. See LICENSE for details.