gdk-pixbuf related utils for ruby
Methods that modify source pixbuf
PixbufUtils.greyscale!(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.greyscale_go!(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.gamma!(Gdk::Pixbuf src, double level)
PixbufUtils.soften_edges!(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer size)
Methods that return a modified copy
- PixbufUtils.remove_alpha(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Gdk::Color col)
returns new pixbuf with no alpha channel
- PixbufUtils.sharpen(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer radius)
returns new pixbuf
PixbufUtils.extract_alpha(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer cutoff, Boolean force_2bit) returns new pixbuf
PixbufUtils.blur(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer radius) returns new pixbuf
PixbufUtils.rotate_90(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Boolean counter_clockwise)
PixbufUtils.rotate_cw(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.rotate_180(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.rotate(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer angle)
PixbufUtils.rotate_ccw(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.gamma(Gdk::Pixbuf src, double level)
PixbufUtils.to_tiff(Gdk::Pixbuf src, String filename)
PixbufUtils.greyscale(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.greyscale_go(Gdk::Pixbuf src)
PixbufUtils.tint(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer r, Integer g, Integer b, Integer alpha=255)
Tint an image - alpha=0 -> no tint, alpha=255 -> pure tint
PixbufUtils.perspect_v(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer top_x1, Integer top_x2, Integer bot_x1, Integer bot_x2)
PixbufUtils.mask(Gdk::Pixbuf src, Gdk::Pixbuf mask)
PixbufUtils.blend5050(Gdk::Pixbuf src1, Gdk::Pixbuf src2)
PixbufUtils.mask_area(Gdk::Pixbuf mask, Integer cutoff)
PixbufUtils.scale_max(Gdk::Pixbuf src, gulong max, Gdk::InterpType interp)
PixbufUtils.draw_scaled(Gdk::Drawable drawable, Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height, GdkInterpType interp)
PixbufUtils.draw_scaled_clip(Gdk::Drawable drawable, Gdk::Pixbuf src, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height, Gdk::Rectangle clip_area, Gdk::InterpType interp)