Placate is a lightweight Redis-based solution designed to prevent duplicate jobs in Rails ActiveJob.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'placate'
And then execute:
bundle install
Basic Setup
First, configure Placate with your Redis connection:
# config/initializers/placate.rb
Placate.configure do |config|
config.redis =
# time-to-live in seconds
# default is nil, which only allows 1 job to be queued at a time
# config.default_lock_ttl = 30
In Your Jobs
Include the UniqueJob module in any job you want to prevent duplicates:
class ProcessOrderJob < ApplicationJob
include Placate::UniqueJob
def perform(order_id)
# Your job code here
Now if you try to enqueue the same job with the same arguments within the TTL window, the duplicate will be prevented:
ProcessOrderJob.perform_later(order_id: 123) # First job enqueued
ProcessOrderJob.perform_later(order_id: 123) # Blocked as duplicate
ProcessOrderJob.perform_later(order_id: 456) # Different args, will be enqueued
You can customize the TTL per job class:
class LongRunningJob < ApplicationJob
include Placate::UniqueJob
self.unique_lock_ttl = 120 # 2 minutes
def perform
# Your job code here
Or use a custom key prefix:
class CustomPrefixJob < ApplicationJob
include Placate::UniqueJob
self.unique_lock_prefix = 'my_app_jobs'
def perform
# Your job code here
How It Works
Placate uses Redis to maintain a lock based on the job class name and arguments. When a job is enqueued (before_enqueue
- A unique key is generated based on the job class and arguments
- The current timestamp is stored in Redis with this key
- If a key exists and its timestamp is within the TTL window, the job is not enqueued
- If no key exists or the existing timestamp is older than the TTL, the job is enqueued
After the job is performed (after_perform
- The unique key is deleted, to enable the next job.
- Ruby 3.3+
- Rails 7.0+
- Redis
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.