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Places Scout API


~> 1.13
~> 10.0


~> 2.1.0
~> 2.0.2
 Project Readme


A gem to interact with the Places Scout API. https://www.placesscout.com/api Check the usage section for what's currently implemented.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'places_scout'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install places_scout


You can add :size & :page as parameters to grab specific size/page to the calls below. The maximum size supported by the API is 100.

get_ranking_reports() # Defaults to returning all pages with 100 results each
get_ranking_reports(:size => '10') # Returns all pages with 10 results each
get_ranking_reports(:size => '5', page => '5') # Returns only the 5th page

Connecting to the API

opts = {}
opts[:username] = "<username>"
opts[:password] = "<password>"
testcon = PlacesScout::Api.new(opts)


testcon.get_clients()   # Grab all clients. 
testcon.get_clients(:names_and_ids => true) # Just get names and ids
testcon.get_clients(:clientid => 'client-id') #Grab specific client
testcon.create_client(:Name => 'test company',:CustomClientId => 'XXX' , :PrimaryEmail => 'test@test.com', :Website => 'www.test.com')
testcon.update_client(:clientid => 'client-id', :Name => 'test company',:CustomClientId => 'XXX' , :PrimaryEmail => 'test@test.com', :Website => 'www.test.com')
testcon.delete_client(:clientid => 'client-id')


testcon.get_client_locations()   # Grab all client locations. 
testcon.get_client_locations(:clientid => 'client-id') #Grab locations for specific client
testcon.get_client_locations(:locationid => 'location-id') #Grab by location id

Create client location

opts[:clientid] opts[:locationid] opts[:BusinessName] opts[:LocationName] opts[:StreetAddress] opts[:StreetAddress2] opts[:City] opts[:State] opts[:Zip] opts[:Country] opts[:Phone] opts[:Email] opts[:CustomLocationId] opts[:Region] opts[:StoreNumber] opts[:PlusLocalPageLink] opts[:ListingSites] opts[:YextApiKey] opts[:YextCustomerId] opts[:YextLocationId] opts[:LocationGroupId]

opts = {}
opts[:clientid] = '<client-id>'
opts[:LocationName] = "Location Name"
puts testcon.create_client_location(opts)

Delete client location

 opts = {}
 opts[:LocationId] = '<location-id>'
 puts testcon.delete_client_location(opts)


testcon.get_client_folders()#Grab all client folders.
testcon.get_client_folders(:clientid => 'client-id') #Grab folder off client id

Rank Reports

GET /rankingreports

All rank reports, or for client or location

opts = {}

Optional opts[:locationid] = '' <-- Doesn't restrict results, might not be working on API end opts[:clientid] = ''

puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{clientId}/allbyclient

All rank reports for client

opts = {}
opts[:clientid] = '<client-id>'
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}

Returns the ranking report configuration data for the given RankingReportId

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/historical

Returns historical data that can be used to display charts over time for the given RankingReportId

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:historical] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/historical/keywords

Returns historical data for each keyword search that can be used to display charts over time for the given RankingReportId

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:historical] = true
opts[:keywords] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/rundatesandids

Returns report run ids and dates

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:rundatesandids] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs

Returns all runs of a report

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:runs] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/{reportRunId}

Returns a ranking report run based on the passed ReportRunId

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/{reportRunId}/keywordsearchresults

Returns a list of all keyword search results for a given ranking report run

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
opts[:keywordsearchresults] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/{reportRunId}/keywordsearchresults/{keywordSearchResultsId}

Returns a list of all keyword search results for a given ranking report run

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
opts[:keywordsearchresults] = true
opts[:KeywordSearchResultsId] = '<report-run-id>-surgery-for-adhesions-san-luis-obispo-ca'
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/{reportRunId}/keywordserpscreenshot

Returns a byte array of image data for the first Google Organic SERP Page for the provided ReportId, reportRunId, keyword, and location setting if the ranking report is configured to gather screenshots

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
opts[:keywordsearchresults] = true
opts[:GoogleLocation] = ''
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/{reportRunId}/summarymetrics

Returns the ranking summary metrics for the passed ReportRunId

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
opts[:summarymetrics] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runs/newest

Returns the newest runs of a report

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:age] = "oldest" || "newest"
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

GET /rankingreports/all

Retrieving all ranking report data

opts = {}
opts[:all] = true
puts testcon.get_ranking_reports(opts)

POST /rankingreports/{ReportId}/runreport

Run a ranking report

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
puts testcon.run_ranking_report(opts)

DELETE /rankingreports/{ReportId}

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
puts testcon.delete_ranking_report(opts)

###Reputation Reports

opts = {}
opts[:clientid] = '<client-id>'
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:reportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
opts[:historical] = true
opts[:newreviews] = true
opts[:reviews] = true
opts[:source] = "Yelp"
opts[:rundatesandids] = true
opts[:runs] = true
puts testcon.get_reputation_reports(opts)

POST /reputationreports/{reportId}/runreport

Runs the passed reputation report, placing the request in the queue to run the report

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:FullScrape] = true
puts testcon.run_reputation_report(opts)

Delete Reputation Report or Reputation Report Run

Pass a report id to delete the report and all runs, add a run id to only delete that run.

opts = {}
opts[:ReportId] = '<report-id>'
opts[:ReportRunId] = '<report-run-id>'
puts testcon.delete_reputation_report(opts)

###Combined Reports

GET /combinedclientreports

All rank reports, or for client or location

opts = {}
opts[:clientid] = '<client-id>' 
puts testcon.get_combined_reports(opts)


testcon.get_status #Grab the status of all reports


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mhoskiso/places_scout.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.