Pluoa Mapper
Pluoa Mapper is a lib to manage easily elements mapped inside pages.
Just keep your files organized and clean with Pluoa Mapper
In you find the gem or just install:
gem install pluoa-mapper
After installed, you have to require the gem and include the class in your env.rb file:
require 'yaml'
require 'pluoa-mapper'
include PluoaMapper
You need to set the following value to inform where is your mapping(YML files) in your env.rb file:
# Example:
ENV["PAGES_MAPPING_PATH"] = "features/support/pages_mapping/"
# Inside the folder pages_mapping contains YML files with elements mapped
How it works?
Easy, just create your directory where you will put your mapping files, I suggest you name the folder "pages_mapping".
Once you created the folder you are able to create the YML files, like:
> pages_mapping
> home_page.yml
> login_page.yml
> ...
# home_page.yml
sign_in_button: "AppCompatButton id:'sign_in_button'"
sign_out_button: "AppCompatButton id:'sign_out_button'"
title_text: "CustomFontTextView id:'app_title'"
When you wanto to use in your code, just do it:
# home_page.rb
class HomePage
def touch_on_sign_in
# You are able to use Meglish gem:
touch_and_keyboard_text_element(get_mapping(self, "sign_in_button"), "root")
# or just Calabash:
wait_for_element_exists(get_mapping "LoginPage", "username")
touch(get_mapping "LoginPage", "username")
Pluoa Mapper is really good when you are working with Cucumber, because you may create your pattern to work easily. Like:
Feature: Search
Scenario: Search for a generic product
Given I am on HomePage
When I touch on search button in HomePage
And I fill "Shoes" in search field in HomePage
When I enter
Then I should see products related to my search
Steps Generated:
Given(/^I am on HomePage$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
# Step updated:
When(/^I touch on ([\w\s]+) in ([\w]+Page)$/) do |_field, _page|
touch_element(get_mapping(_page, _field))
When(/^I fill "([^"]*)" in ([\w\s]+) in ([\w]+Page)$/) do |_value, _field, _page|
touch_and_keyboard_text_element(get_mapping(_page, _field), _value)
When(/^I enter$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then(/^I should see products related to my search$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Just keep in mind, if you want to use self in the PageObject file, your file name must be the same than YML file.
For instance:
Page Object: HomePage.rb
Mapping File: home_page.yml