Policier (WIP!)
A gem to build ACL policies with style. Comparing to Pundit and Cancan, the gem tries to focus on DSL and structure to enforce writing ACLS in the way you can read them afterwards. Policier consists of two big sections:
# Activates whe current user is super
class SuperuserCondition < Policier::Condition
self.data = Struct.new(:authorized_at)
# This is the main check, it's happenuing always when any policy
# is applied against the context (from controller or GraphQL)
# If it's veritied, condition is activated and causes extension
# of access rights (see below)
verify_with do
fail! if payload[:user].blank?
fail! unless payload[:user].is_superadmin
# This is not very useful since data is located next to payload
# so this is only here as an example
data[:authorized_at] = context[:user].authorized_at
# Additional check that can be quuickly used on top of verified
# condition to make conditions anagement more flexible.
# Think of it as of a Trait in FactoryBot
also_ensure(:it_wasnt_thursday) do |important_date|
fail! if important_date.wday == 3
# You can nhave as many as you want
also_ensure(:it_was_thursday) do |important_date|
fail! unless important_date.wday == 3
# Creates a dynamic scope over Person model that starts withb Person.none
# and extends when conditions activate
class PersonPolicy < Policier::Policy
scope(Person) do
# Collector argument allows you to propagate values you had during
# condition verification into actual policy
allow SuperuserCondition.and_it_wasnt_thursday(2.weeks.ago)
scope where(id: 5000)
scope where(id: 6000)
# This syntax allows you to combine several conditions and it runs
# if any of them activated for eahc of them
allow SuperuserCondition | AnotherCnndition
scope where('id < 1000')
# Thirsdays are the best
allow SuperuserCondition.and_it_was_thursday(2.weeks.ago)
scope all
As the outcome of this policy, if no conditions activate, Person.count
will be 0. And the every activated condition triggers to
that get merged
and you get access to all of parts of relational scope.