Polish language support for Ruby on Rails.
Adds correct polish pluralization and better date formats. Also includes support for standalone months. ("%B %Y"
should be Grudzień 2009, but "%d. %B %Y"
should be 24. grudnia 2009).
Warning: as of version 0.1.0, polish is only tested with Rails 3 and Bundler. Use with caution, might give unexpected results.
To add Polish to your Rails app, simply add it to your Gemfile:
gem "polish", ">= 0.1.0"
Additionally, if you change the backend of I18n, you will need to make sure it includes the Pluralization module:
I18n.backend.class.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Pluralization)
What it does
The main feature of polish is fixing the date formats. It does that by setting the date.month_names and date.day_names translations to Procs that can detect the proper form.
Polish also adds correct pluralization rules.
Translations and date formats can be overridden in config/locales/pl.yml