#Introducing the Polyrex-Objects gem
The Polyrex-Objects gem is intended to be used internally by Polyrex only however it can be executed in isolation for testing purposes. In the example below the Polyrex-Objects gem is used to create an object as specified by the schema and populated with data from a Polyrex record represented as a Rexle element.
require 'polyrex'
objects = PolyrexObjects.new('entities/section[name]/entity[name,count]').to_h
#=> {"Section"=>PolyrexObjects::Section, "Entity"=>PolyrexObjects::Entity}
s =<<S
<?polyrex schema="entities/entity[title,count]"?>
Beans 34
Juice 25
polyrex = Polyrex.new
polyrex.parse s
element = polyrex.element 'records/*'
entity = objects['Entity'].new element
#=> "Beans"
#=> "34"