If you are a guy who always find something wrong only after sending a pull requset, Priha will help you because Priha lets you examine files' diff between the parent branch and HEAD of the current branch in a real GitHub pull request.
gem install priha
CAUTION: DO NOT use Priha for your secret repostitory. Since Priha pushes some commits to another repository on GitHub, it easily cause a security incident, espacially the branch you set for Priha is "public". Also, Priha removes all branches on the repository specified in config, so you MUST create a new repository for this purpose and DO NOT use the existing one.
Create config file
Priha requires a YAML config file ($HOME/.priha_config.yml
or $USERPROFILE\.priha_config.yml
for Windows) where your GitHub information is set like the followings.
username: <your github username>
repo: <your github repository to push for a temporary pull request>
parent_branch: <default parent branch to merge> (optional)
access_token: <your github access token> (optional)
Note that you can specify parent_branch by passing that name as an argument, and access_token will be overwritten by "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" environment variable when exists.
Let's see files' diff on a GitHub pull request
Simply run priha
when you are in the topic branch which you want to diff with the parent branch.
$ priha
Or you can specify the parent branch by passing it as an argument.
$ priha develop
Then you can see files' diff in your web browser (OS X only), or copy/paste displayed URL.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at