PromisePay API calls wrapped in a gem
This project is unmaintained. I suggest you use the official gem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'promise_pay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install promise_pay
Generate your PromizePay API key and the rails promise_pay initializer:
$ rails generate promise_pay:init EMAIL PASSWORD
You're set to go!
Extra Info
To use PromisePay's test API, set the following in config/initializers/promise_pay.rb
PromisePay.env = :test # probaby should reference config/environments/...
Along with your test environments api user/key. You can generate all this by running:
$ rails generate promise_pay:init EMAIL PASSWORD --test
Note this will overwrite anything in config/initializers/promise_pay.rb
, but you will still need to set your fee-ids manually in this config file.
All API interations, and therefore all params for these classes can be viewed at the official PromisePay doc website (
# A new PromisePay::Session that generates a session token
session =
session.amount = 10
session.token => nil
session.request_token => "8cfd23e3-196e-4a45-ab16-d1213094871e"
session.token => "8cfd23e3-196e-4a45-ab16-d1213094871e"
# Query PromisePay for a user (12345) returning a PromisePay::User object
user = PromisePay::User.find(12345) => "email@addr"
# Query for a status of an item (abc123) returning a PromisePay::Item::Status object
user = PromisePay::ItemStatus.find('abc123')
user.state => "pending"
# Query PromisePay for an item (1s345) returning a PromisePay::Item object
item = PromisePay::Item.find("1s345")
item.amount => 10
# Note: this is a slow operation, it you just want item status use the Item::Status API
# New PromisePay::Item using params hash for attributes
item ={id: "1s345"}) => "1s345"
# Create a fee returning a PromisePay::Feelist object
fee = PromisePay::Feelist.create(fee_params) => "5c07f36a-d18f-4153-9a75-ebf9f4f2f9ef"
# Create a callback
fee = PromisePay::Callback.create(url: "https://our.api/callback", object_type: "items") => "77e4fc66-b695-4e72-90ac-b454c395b867"
This project follows semantic versioning.
In order to make a change, do so from a feature branch and pull request the project. Your pull request should not include a version change. Instead, make an addition to the "head" version in the CHANGELOG that briefly describes the change and ideally links to the pull request.