Open PaaS provisioning.
This gem will install a provision
command for provisioning an open
platform-as-a-service (PaaS) from a JSON manifest file.
Currently limited to dokku or flynn apps on AWS or DigitalOcean servers.
$ gem install provisioning
Alternatively you can build the gem from its repository:
$ git clone git://
$ cd provisioning
$ gem build provisioning.gemspec
$ gem install provisioning-0.0.1.gem
Provision a manifest file:
$ provision manifest.sample.json
Reading provisioning manifest file 'manifest.sample.json'
==> Provisioning digitalocean compute
Uploading SSH key to DigitalOcean
Creating server ''
==> Provisioning digitalocean dns
Creating zone ''
Creating domain record A '@' to ''
Configue '' with the following DNS servers:
Creating domain record CNAME '*' to ''
Configue '' to point to ''
Configue '' to point to ''
==> Provisioning dokku platform
Installing dokku v0.10.4 on ''
Creating dokku app 'example' on ''
Run `gem install dokku-cli` to get dokku client on your computer
Adding dokku to git remotes
Uploading SSH key to DigitalOcean
Run `git push dokku master` to deploy your code
Sample manifest file (in JSON format)
"manifest": {
"app": {
"name": "example",
"domains": ["", ""],
"services": ["postgres", "redis"]
"platform": {
"provider": "dokku",
"version": "v0.10.4",
"domain": ""
"compute": {
"provider": "digitalocean",
"region": "sfo1",
"image": "ubuntu-16-04-x64",
"size": "1gb"
"dns": {
"provider": "digitalocean"
Copyright (C) 2017 Vincent Ollivier. Released under MIT.