Little cli tool to let you push notifications to your phone. Modelled after growlnotify
for growl.
[sudo] gem install prowlnotify
Usage: prowlnotify [options] MESSAGE
Message can be either a string or "-" to read from stdin
-k, --api-key [KEY] Prowl API Key [optional]
If this isn't specified then -f arg or ~/.prowl is read
-p, --priority [VALUE] Priority of notification. [optional]
Defaults to "Normal"
Value between -2 and 2, or a string:
-2. Very Low
-1. Moderate
0. Normal
1. High
2. Emergency
-a, --application [NAME] Name of application sending notification. [optional]
Defaults to "prowlnotify"
-s, --subject [STRING] Subject line. [optional]
-r, --provider-key [KEY] Provider API key. [optional]
-f, --file [FILE] File to read API key from. Defaults to ~/.prowl. Ignored if -a is passed.