Use buffers to edit and execute arbitrary code inside of pry. You can think of this plugin as a vitamined version of the "edit -t" command where the edited files are stored and can be reused.
gem install pry-buffers
WARNING: pry-buffers needs a HOME environment variable to be defined in order to work properly.
pry(main)> buf -h
Usage: buf [-l|-s|-d|-h] <BUFFER>
Open a text editor and evaluate its content upon close. When no buffer
is given, the "default" buffer is used by default. You can also show or
delete the contents of a given buffer or list all the stored buffers.
e.g: buf
buf test
buf -d test
buf -s test
buf -l
buf -h
-s, --show show the contents of the buffer
-d, --delete clears the given buffer
-l, --list List all the stored buffers
-h, --help This message
pry(main)> buf
pry(main)> buf -l
Available buffers: default
pry(main)> buf test
This is a test
pry(main)> buf -s test
Buffer test contents:
puts "This is a test"
pry(main)> buf -l
Available buffers: default, test
pry(main)> buf -d test
Buffer test cleaned
pry-buffers been developed and tested against Ruby 1.9.2 and Pry
Please use GitHub ( to report bugs, make suggestions or send patches.