Puerta is a payment gateway gem specifically built in BookMeBus for its usages in BookMeBus SaaS and BookMeBus platform.
It composes of many local and international payments that works well in ASEAN region or to be more precisely in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
Why Puerta?
Most payment gateway that works well lack of ruby libs, mostly available in PHP and Java. Migrating from PHP or Java to Ruby is hard, Puerta aims to make your life easier.
Why we open source this?
To make our tech community vibrant we need to make the ecosystem easy and friendly. We believe this piece of software will help improve the implementation and technicality behind to help boost the e-commerce building easier and more professional.
gem 'puerta'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install puerta
Configure gem
Puerta has two modes of environment ( sandbox and production). You can configure the gem with the following:
Puerta.configure do |config|
config.env = 'production' # available value: sandbox, production
sanbox is the default one.
Nganluong is one of the biggest payment gateway in VN. They have good documentation of the integration in PHP. Its PHP docs can be found here.
This gem provide a port from NL official to ruby world. Most of the concept you might need to read from the official docs. There will be mayor similarity and a bit different in API due to the different in nature between ruby and php. We aims to make everything as similar as official libs.
Request user to payment page
merchant_params ={
merchant_id: '47792',
merchant_password: '2a349ed1ff2658bfe793628405bbfa89',
receiver_email: 'merchant@yopmail.com',
cur_code: 'usd'
type = 'ATM_ONLINE'
checkout = Puerta::Nl::Checkout.new(type, merchant_params)
payment_options = {
order_code: 'my_order_id',
order_description: 'SiemReap tour - 3 days',
buyer_fullname: 'Jose antonio',
buyer_email: 'joseantonio@travelasia.com',
buyer_mobile: '+34701234133',
buyer_address: 'Samdech Techo Hun Sen Park Phnom Penh Cambodia, 120101, Cambodia',
total_amount: 12,
bank_code: 'EXB',
return_url: 'https://mydomain/return_callback',
cancel_url: 'https://mydomain/cancel_callback'
result = Puerta::Nl::Checkout(payment_options)
#Response look like this
:error_message=>"Thành công",
:checkout_url=>"https://sandbox.nganluong.vn:8088/nl35/checkout/version31/index/token_code/156785-29e2e2f3b34fdab01726d1f53bacf8e5" }
you can use the result[:checkout_url] to redirect to the payment. You can do this with many forms from example:
- Redirect from the server side with redirect_to result[:checkout_url]
- Send back to client and let client direct it with javascript
- Put in the form and then auto submit it with form GET method.
Validate the payment after user perform transaction :
result = checkout.get_transaction_detail(token)
#result look like this:
:error_message=>"Thành công",
Other useful method in NL
result = Puerta::Nl::Checkout.payment_types
# result looks like this
expected = {
:BIDV=>{:title=>"Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư & Phát triển Việt Nam", :type=>["ATM_ONLINE", "IB_ONLINE", "ATM_OFFLINE", "NH_OFFLINE"]}}},
:VISA=>{:title=>"Visa", :type=>["VISA"]},
:MASTER=>{:title=>"Master", :type=>["VISA"]}},
:BIDV=>{:title=>"Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư & Phát triển Việt Nam", :type=>["ATM_ONLINE", "IB_ONLINE", "ATM_OFFLINE", "NH_OFFLINE"]},
:VCB=>{:title=>"Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại Thương Việt Nam", :type=>["ATM_ONLINE", "IB_ONLINE", "ATM_OFFLINE", "NH_OFFLINE"]},
:DAB=>{:title=>"Ngân hàng Đông Á", :type=>["ATM_ONLINE", "IB_ONLINE", "ATM_OFFLINE", "NH_OFFLINE"]},
checkout.ok? # boolean
checkout.error_code # string nl error code
checkout.error_message # string nl errror message(vi)
Other payments
OjO: coming soon!
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/channainfo/puerta. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.