A script to query puppetdb and tell you what something is.
- Takes hostname/fqdn as an argument.
- Can provide yaml/json output as well as human readable.
- Has configurable default fact list
- has configurable domain completion/searches
Basically, whats
is a wrapper around the puppetdb api, and will return facts you find interesting.
gem install puppet-whats
Config Example
puppetdb_server: 'puppetdb.some.domain.com'
puppetdb_port: '8080'
- some.domain.com
- domain.com
- hostname
- uptime
whats --help
Usage: whats [options] <hostname>
-j, --json JSON output
-y, --yaml YAML output
-p, --pp Pretty Print output
-a, --all Use all facts
-c, --config CONFIG Config file to use
-v, --verbose Be verbose
-q, --quiet Be extra quiet, only shown
Default output is a human readble table, thanks to terminal-table
Options are pretty obvious, however:
-j --json
will output json formatted facts
-y --yaml
will output yaml formatted facts
-p --pp
will pretty-print format the facts
-a --all
will just output all the facts, with whatever output you pick
-v --verbose
will give you a little more info as to whats going on
-q --quiet
will suppress everything except the fact output, for scripting
-c --config
lets you specify a config (yaml) other than the default locations of ['~/.whats.yaml','/etc/whats.yaml']
╰─ ./whats puppetca
Searching for puppetca...
Searching for puppetca.test.domain
| Fact | Value |
| hostname | puppetca |
| manufacturer | VMware, Inc. |
| productname | VMware Virtual Platform |
| serialnumber | VMware-42 20 6d 93 d4 97 c0 b8-01 dc 5d 46 e9 c7 69 a8 |
| operatingsystem | CentOS |
| operatingsystemrelease | 7.2.1511 |
| architecture | x86_64 |
| processor0 | Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30GHz |
| processorcount | 4 |
| memorysize | 3.70 GiB |
| kernelrelease | 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 |
| ipaddress | |
| macaddress | 00:50:56:a0:71:0b |
| virtual | vmware |
| uptime | 10 days |
- Add SSL support