is a Rack middleware for automatic e-mail addresses munging.
Once added to your middleware stack, Rack::AddressMunging
will parse the body of any HTML response and mung it to obfuscate email addresses, in hope to prevent spambots to collect them too easily.
is distributed as a gem and available on rubygems.org so you can add it to your Gemfile
or install it manually with:
gem install rack-address_munging
To use the middleware with it's default configuration, just drop it in your middleware stack:
# In config.ru or wherever your stack is defined
require 'rack/address_munging'
use Rack::AddressMunging
If you want to use another munging strategy, precise it as an argument:
# In a Rails initializer
require 'rack/address_munging'
module YourRailsAppName
class Application
config.middleware.use Rack::AddressMunging, strategy: :hex
Supported Strategies
Replace email addresses and mailto href attributes values with an hexadecimal entities alternative.
Input: email@example.com
Output: email@example.com
is the default strategy.
Replace email addresses and full mailto links with a <script>
tag that will print it back into the page, based on a ROT13 version.
Input: email@example.com
Output: <script type="text/javascript">document.write("rznvy(at)rknzcyr.pbz".replace(/(at)/, '@').replace(/[a-z]/gi,function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});))</script>
For more informations about the exact behavior of each strategy, please refer to the strategies specs data.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/notus-sh/rack-address_munging.