Rack::GzipFile, Rack::GzipStatic
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Rack::GzipFile has the same function as Rack::File with the following two extensions.
- Supports gzip pre-compressed file optimization (like Nginx gzip_static module). If a client support gzip-encoding, it searchs
file first from the same directory and returns a gzipped body. - Furthermore, if
file exists and a client does not support gzip, it inflates.gz
file and returns as a body (non-gzipped original file is no longer needed).
Rack::GzipStatic is also identical to Rack::Static with the extensions shown above.
gem install rack-gzip-file
Upper-compatible to Rack::File and Rack::Static.
require 'rack/gzip_file'
run Rack::GzipFile.new('public')
require 'rack/gzip_static
use Rack::GzipStatic, urls: [''], root: 'public', index: 'index.html'
run lambda {|env|}