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Create a config/translation.yml file:
# The Project API Token from Web Translate It api_key: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # The locales not to sync with Web Translate It. # Pass an array of string, or an array of symbols, a string or a symbol. # eg. [:en, :fr] or just 'en' master_locale: :en # A list of files to translate # You can name your language files as you want, as long as the locale name match the # locale name you set in Web Translate It, and that the different language files names are # differenciated by their locale name. # For example, if you set to translate a project in en_US in WTI, you should use the locale en_US in your app # # wti_id is the file id from Web Translate It. files: 1234: config/locales/[locale].yml # Optional password to access the web interface password: password
Add the middleware:
config.gem 'rack-webtranslateit' config.middleware.use "Rack::Webtranslateit", "/translations/"
Go to http://yourapp/translations.
Click update translations.