rails-highlightjs: easy syntax highlighting in Rails
highlightjs-rails was created to offer an up-to-date gemified version of the popular syntax-highlighting library highlight.js.
Add this line to your RoR application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails-highlightjs'
And then execute:
$ bundle update
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rails-highlightjs
Then add the following line to your application.js file
//= require highlight_pack
Add to your application.scss file your favorite theme:
import solarized-dark;
Or to your application.css file, like:
*= require solarized-dark;
The simplest usage after appropriately requiring the gemified assets, is to add the following line to any view (or layout) in which you desire syntax highlighting
Currently rails-highlightjs comes with support for the "common" set of languages as defined by highlight.js, as well as Handlebars, ERB and YAML, since these are commonly encountered by Rails developers and/or Rubyists.
Future releases will offer different javascript packs depending on the desired set of supported lanuages.
Any of the following CSS themes for syntax highlighting can be used:
- agate
- androidstudio
- arduino-light
- arta
- ascetic
- atelier-cave-dark
- atelier-cave-light
- atelier-dune-dark
- atelier-dune-light
- atelier-estuary-dark
- atelier-estuary-light
- atelier-forest-dark
- atelier-forest-light
- atelier-heath-dark
- atelier-heath-light
- atelier-lakeside-dark
- atelier-lakeside-light
- atelier-plateau-dark
- atelier-plateau-light
- atelier-savanna-dark
- atelier-savanna-light
- atelier-seaside-dark
- atelier-seaside-light
- atelier-sulphurpool-dark
- atelier-sulphurpool-light
- brown-paper
- codepen-embed
- color-brewer
- dark
- darkula
- default
- docco
- far
- foundation
- github
- github-gist
- googlecode
- grayscale
- hopscotch
- hybrid
- idea
- ir-black
- kimbie.dark
- kimbie.light
- magula
- mono-blue
- monokai
- monokai-sublime
- obsidian
- paraiso-dark
- paraiso-light
- pojoaque
- railscasts
- rainbow
- school-book
- solarized-dark
- solarized-light
- sunburst
- tomorrow
- tomorrow-night
- tomorrow-night-blue
- tomorrow-night-bright
- tomorrow-night-eighties
- vs
- xcode
- zenburn
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/davidreghay/rails-highlightjs.git
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.