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JSON rendering for Rails API


= 1.2.1
= 3.13.10
 Project Readme


A JSON rendering platform for Rails APIs. Provides many controls through URL query parameters for clients to craft API responses from your resources.


  • Ruby 3.0, 3.1
  • Rails 7.0, 7.1

Older versions may work fine but have yet to be tested.


Surrender adds a number of helpful features to API requests, through URL query parameters to craft the structure of the response:


Most attributes on the requested resource can be targeted for sorting. Sorting is provided for to the API with the 'sort' query parameter.

example query param description
sort=name Sort the results by the name attribute
sort=-created_at Sort the results in reverse by the created_at attribute


Pagination is provided internally using the 'kaminari' gem. Access is provided to the API with the page and per query parameters

example query param description
per=20 Request 20 results per page
page=2 Request the second page of results

Paginated results will populate an X-Pagination header in the result set that provides a hash of the paginated details. The hash is structured like:

	"total": 70,
	"page_total": 3,
	"page": 2,
	"previous_page": 1,
	"next_page": 3,
	"last_page": 3,
	"per_page": 25,
	"offset": 25


rails-surrender adds a number of scopes to your models for filtering, and provides access to the filters with the filter query parameter. Most columns are provided with an equality filter and can be filtered on matching values. Date and Time columns are provided with multiple filters to select dates/times before or after the given time. Examples are provided below:

Note: Time-based filters must be surrounded by either single or double-quotes

example query param description
filter=active:false filter for resources with the active attribute set to false
filter=state:TX filter for resources with the state attribute of TX
filter=created_before:'2022-01-01' filter for resources with a created_at value before Jan 01, 2022
filter=created_after:'2022-01-01' filter for resources with a created_at value after Jan 01, 2022
filter=created_to:'2022-01-01' filter for resources with a created_at value on of before Jan 01, 2022
filter=created_from:'2022-01-01' filter for resources with a created_at value on or _after Jan 01, 2022


Instead of rendering a full list of resources, rails-surrender can return only the count of the number of resources that would be returned. This can be useful when combined with filters for basic reporting. Access is provided with the count query parameter.

example query param description
count count the number of resources
filter=state:TX&count count the number of resources in the state of 'TX'
filter=state:TX&count count the number of resources in the state of 'TX'
filter=created_from:'2021-01-01,created_to:'2021-12-31'&count count the number of resources created in 2021

Id Lists

Similar to counting, instead of rendering a full list of resources, rails-surrender can return only the _ids of the resources that would be returned. This can be useful when combined with filters for basic reporting. Access is provided with the ids query parameter.

example query param description
ids ids of the number of resources
filter=state:TX&ids ids of the number of resources in the state of 'TX'
filter=state:TX&ids ids of the number of resources in the state of 'TX'
filter=created_from:'2021-01-01,created_to:'2021-12-31'&ids ids of the number of resources created in 2021


the include (and exclude described below) directive provides an easy but powerful mechanism for crafting the shape of the response. For models that provide additional attributes or associations that are not rendered by default (see setup below) the include query parameter can be used to request those attributes and associations be rendered in the request. The include parameter can request multiple attributes and associations, and for associations can include additional values on nested resources. Examples below:

example query param description
include=created_at, updated_at include the created_at and updated at attributes of the resource(s)
include=work_orders include the work_orders association of the resource(s)
include=work_orders:[activities] include the work_orders and it's activities association
include=created_at, work_orders:[created_at, activities:[created_at ]] combine various attributes and associations and nested results


Exclude (and exclude below) provide an easy but powerful mechanism for crafting the shape of the response. Excluding works like the reverse of include. Models may define attributes or associations that are rendered by default, but exclude can be used to prevent rendering of those attributes. Examples below:

example query param description
exclude=created_at, updated_at exclude the created_at and updated at attributes of the resource(s) that are rendered by default
exclude=work_orders include the work_orders association of the resource(s) that is rendered by default

Example Project

A full working example project is provided in the rails-surrender-demo repository. It provides several models and endpoints demonstrating a working configuration of rails-surrender. The project provides seed data and a Postman collection to quickly experiment with the features of rails-surrender.


This project is intended to be used in a Ruby on Rails project. To install, simply add this your Gemfile:

gem 'rails-surrender'

and bundle:

% bundle


Surrender setup begins in your models. To enable rendering of models with this gem, the surrenders method is invoked on your models with a list of attributes and associations to be rendered, along with (optional) additional attributes or associations that API clients an request. The following keys are allowed, along with the list of attributes for that key.

  • attributes: A list of model attributes to be rendered by default.
  • expands: A list of model associations to be rendered by default. An association is typically defined as a Rails ActiveRecord has_many or belongs_to or similar method call.
  • available_attributes: A list of model attributes that can be rendered with the include query parameter.
  • available_expands: A list of model associations that can be rendered with the include query parameter.

An example invocation of the surreners method is provided below:

  surrenders attributes: [:id, :title, :description, :status],
             available_attributes: [:created_at, :updated_at],
             expands: [:activities],
             available_expands: [:user]

To invoke surrender in your controllers, simply end your controller action with a call to surrender with the resource you wish to render. An example controller action is provided below:

  def index
    books = Book.all
    surrender books

Additional Notes

Surrender prevents circular renderings by tracking the history of nested objects. If you have a Book model, for example, that expands it's associated Author model, and the Author model expands it's associated Books then surrender will stop expanding the associations when it recognized that it has already rendered a parent resource of the same class as the requested child association.

Surrender prevents un-authorized access to associated resources by invoking the current_ability rule-set from the CanCanCan gem, if it is used in your Rails project. If CanCanCan is not present it will allow full access to associated resources.