Markitup! For Rails3
Markitup_rails is a Rails 3.1 engine that allows you to integrate the {MarkItUp}[] text editor into the asset pipeline.
This uses the 1.1.12 release of Markitup, by {Jay Salvat}[]
This engine allows you to add in the CSS and Javascript as written in the MarkItUp plugin. I would strongly recommend that you read the documentation tha comes with MarkItUp.
This engine includes the following MarkItUp elements:
- MarkItUp images and stylesheets
- MarkItUp javascript
- MarkItUp sets for Hmtl, Markdown
MarkItUp support a variety of markup parsers, however, this plugin only includes support for Markdown and HTML. Pull requests are welcome!
Add the rails3_markitup gem to your Gemfile. In Gemfile:
gem "rails3_markitup"
Basically include <%= include_markitup_if_needed %>
under the <head>
element of your in your layout file:
<%= include_markitup_if_needed %>
In your controller, use include_markitup method to load markitup javascripts and stylesheets:
include_markitup :only => [:new, :edit]
include_markitup :except => [:index, :show, :destroy, :create]
Assign your textarea with class name markitup_html
:classs => "markitup_html"