Apache Age integration within a Rails application.
Inspired by: apache/age#370
Quick Start - Essentials
NOTE: you must be using Postgres as your database! Apache Age requires it.
rails new stone_age -T -d postgresql
cd stone_age
git commit -m "initail commit"
# if using the default dockerized AGE PostgreSQL server then add the following to your `config/database.yml`:
host: localhost
port: 5455
username: postgresUser
password: postgresPW
# create the database
rails db:create
# add the rails_age gem to your Gemfile
bundle add rails_age
# download the rails_age gem
bundle install
# configure the Apache AGE gem (ignore the OID warnings)
bin/rails apache_age:install
# if you get the error: `PG::FeatureNotSupported: ERROR: extension "age" is not available`
# then you have not installed the AGE code (in PostgreSQL) follow this instrcutions at:
# https://github.com/apache/age?tab=readme-ov-file#installation
# optional: prevents `bin/rails db:migrate` from modifying the schema file,
bin/rails apache_age:override_db_migrate
bin/rails db:migrate
# create nodes
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Company company_name industry
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Person first_name last_name gender
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Pet name gender species
# adjust the validations in the nodes files
# create edges (relationships)
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasChild guardian_role:string
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasSibling relation:string
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasSpouse spousal_role:string
bin/rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasJob employee_role:string
# adjust the edge validations and start_node and end_node types: ie: thefore
# `HasChild` edge should add the model type following start_node and end_node
# in this case: `:person`
# app/edges/has_child.rb
class HasChild
include ApacheAge::Entities::Edge
attribute :guardian_role, :string
attribute :start_node, :person
attribute :end_node, :person
# seed file: [db/seed.rb](SEED.md) - seed provides NO pets
bin/rails db:seed
# list noutes
bin/rails routes
# start server `bin/rails s`
# or more likely when using JS:
# visit the routes in your browser
Console Usage
dino = Pet.create(name: 'Dino', gender: 'male', species: 'dinosaur')
# find a person
fred = Person.find_by(first_name: 'Fred', last_name: 'Flintstone')
pebbles = Person.find_by(first_name: 'Pebbles')
# find an edge
father_relationship = HasChild.find_by(start_node: fred, end_node: pebbles)
> {:id=>1407374883553310,
:end_node=>{:id=>844424930131996, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Pebbles", :gender=>"female"},
:start_node=>{:id=>844424930131986, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Fred", :gender=>"male"}}
# where - find multiple nodes
family = Person.where(last_name: 'Flintstone').order(:first_name).limit(4).all.puts family.map(&:to_h)
> [{:id=>844424930131974, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Ed", :gender=>"male"},
> {:id=>844424930131976, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Edna", :gender=>"female"},
? {:id=>844424930131986, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Fred", :gender=>"male"},
> {:id=>844424930131975, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Giggles", :gender=>"male"}]
# all - unsorted
all_family = Person.where(last_name: 'Flintstone').all
puts all_family.map(&:to_h)
> {:id=>844424930131969, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Zeke", :gender=>"female"}
> {:id=>844424930131970, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Jed", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131971, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131974, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Ed", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131975, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Giggles", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131976, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Edna", :gender=>"female"}
> {:id=>844424930131986, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Fred", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131987, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Wilma", :gender=>"female"}
> {:id=>844424930131995, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Stoney", :gender=>"male"}
> {:id=>844424930131996, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Pebbles", :gender=>"female"}
# where - multiple edges (relations) - for now only edge attributes and start/end nodes can be queried
parental_relations = HasChild.where(end_node: pebbles)
puts parental_relations.map(&:to_h)
> {:id=>1407374883553310, :end_id=>844424930131996, :start_id=>844424930131986, :role=>"father", :end_node=>{:id=>844424930131996, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Pebbles", :gender=>"female"}, :start_node=>{:id=>844424930131986, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Fred", :gender=>"male"}}
> {:id=>1407374883553309, :end_id=>844424930131996, :start_id=>844424930131987, :role=>"mother", :end_node=>{:id=>844424930131996, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Pebbles", :gender=>"female"}, :start_node=>{:id=>844424930131987, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Wilma", :gender=>"female"}}
# Path Queries - returns all elements that match a given path
Path.cypher(path_edge: HasChild, path_length: "1..5", path_properties: {guardian_role: 'father'})
.where(start_node: {first_name: 'Zeke'})
.where('end_node.last_name =~ ?', 'Flintstone')
.map { |p| p.map(&:to_h) }
>[[{:id=>844424930131969, :first_name=>"Zeke", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"female"},
:end_node=>{:id=>844424930131971, :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"},
:start_node=>{:id=>844424930131969, :first_name=>"Zeke", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"female"}},
{:id=>844424930131971, :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"}],
[{:id=>844424930131969, :first_name=>"Zeke", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"female"},
:end_node=>{:id=>844424930131971, :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"},
:start_node=>{:id=>844424930131969, :first_name=>"Zeke", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"female"}},
{:id=>844424930131971, :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"},
:end_node=>{:id=>844424930131975, :first_name=>"Giggles", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"},
:start_node=>{:id=>844424930131971, :first_name=>"Rockbottom", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"}},
{:id=>844424930131975, :first_name=>"Giggles", :last_name=>"Flintstone", :gender=>"male"}]]
raw_pg_results = Person.where(last_name: 'Flintstone').order(:first_name).limit(4).execute
=> #<PG::Result:0x000000012255f348 status=PGRES_TUPLES_OK ntuples=4 nfields=1 cmd_tuples=4>
> [["{\"id\": 844424930131974, \"label\": \"Person\", \"properties\": {\"gender\": \"male\", \"last_name\": \"Flintstone\", \"first_name\": \"Ed\"}}::vertex"],
> ["{\"id\": 844424930131976, \"label\": \"Person\", \"properties\": {\"gender\": \"female\", \"last_name\": \"Flintstone\", \"first_name\": \"Edna\"}}::vertex"],
> ["{\"id\": 844424930131986, \"label\": \"Person\", \"properties\": {\"gender\": \"male\", \"last_name\": \"Flintstone\", \"first_name\": \"Fred\"}}::vertex"],
> ["{\"id\": 844424930131975, \"label\": \"Person\", \"properties\": {\"gender\": \"male\", \"last_name\": \"Flintstone\", \"first_name\": \"Giggles\"}}::vertex"]]
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Company company_name
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Person first_name last_name
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasChild guardian_role
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasJob employee_role start_date:date
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasSibling start_relation
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasSpouse spousal_role
Ideally, edit the HasJob class so that start_node
would use a type :person
and the end_node
uses at type :company
- this is not yet supported by the generator, but easy to do manually as shown below. (The problem is that I havent been able to figure out how load all the rails types in the testing environment).
# app/edges/has_job.rb
class HasJob
include ApacheAge::Entities::Edge
attribute :employee_role, :string
attribute :start_node, :person
attribute :end_node, :company
validates :employee_role, presence: true
validate :validate_unique_edge
def validate_unique_edge
.new(attributes: %i[employee_role start_node end_node])
Installation in Detail
using the installer, creates the migration to install age, runs the migration, and adjusts the schema file, and updates the config/database.yml
Install Apache Age
see: Apache AGE Installation (The docker install is probably the easiest way to get started with a new application - for existing applications you may need to compile the extension from source.)
Verify your PostgreSQL AGE with the following commands:
$ psql -h localhost -p 5455 -U docker_username
> LOAD 'age';
> SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;
> SELECT create_graph('age_schema');
> \q
Install and Configure Rails (if not done already)
create a new Rails app (WITH POSTGRESQL!)
rails new age_demo -d postgresql
cd age_demo
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Rails App"
configure config/database.yml
when using the docker version of AGE DB my config looks like:
port: 5455
host: localhost
username: docker_username
password: dockerized_password
If both the Rails DB config and AGE DB are correctly configured, you should be able to run the following command without error:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
git add .
git commit -m "Basic Rails Configuration"
install Apache Age Plugin
NOTE: ignore the unknown OID
bundle add rails_age
bundle install
bin/rails apache_age:install
# optional: prevents `bin/rails db:migrate` from modifying the schema file,
# alternatively you can use: `bin/rails apache_age:migrate` to run safe migrations
bin/rails apache_age:override_db_migrate
git add .
git commit -m "Add & configure Apache Age within Rails"
Optional Migration override (OPTIONAL)
run bin/rails apache_age:override_db_migrate
to ensure that running rails db:migrate
does not inappropriately modify the schema file.
However, if you are familiar with the schema file and git then you can safely ignore this step and manage the changes after a migration manually - only submitting changes directly related to the newest migration and not those related AGE.
You can run
bin/rails apache_age:config_schema
at any time to repair the schema file as needed. ( You can runbin/rails apache_age:install
at any time to repair any AGE related config file
If you are using db/structure.sql
you will need to manually configure Apache Age (RailsAge).
NODE Scaffold Generation
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Company company_name:string
# string is the default type (so it can be omitted)
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Person first_name last_name
# with a namespace
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_node Animals/Pet pet_name birthdate:date
now you can test your nodes at:
# and
Note: Turbo seems to interfere with the default rails template's ability to show errors, this can easily be fixed by disabling turbo for forms that where turbo isn't needed by adding data: { turbo: false }
to the form, ie:
<%= form_with(model: animals_pet, data: { turbo: false }) do |form| %>
<% end %>
EDGE Scaffold Generation**
# without a namespace
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge HasPet caretaker_role
rails generate apache_age:edge HasJob employee_role begin_date:date
# with a namespace
rails generate apache_age:scaffold_edge People/HasSpouce spousal_role
now you can test your edges at:
# and
you can improve the view to only show the items you expect to be associated with the start- and end-node by changing the selects in the form from the generic form (finds all nodes):
<%= form.label :end_node, style: "display: block" %>
<%= form.collection_select(:end_id, ApacheAge::Node.all, :id, :display, prompt: 'Select an End-Node') %>
to selecting a specific node expected (along with the desired 'name' in the list)
<%= form.label :end_node, style: "display: block" %>
<%= form.collection_select(:end_id, Company.all, :id, :company_name, prompt: 'Select a Company') %>
so full form change for has_job could look like:
# app/views/has_jobs/_form.html.erb
<%= form_with(model: has_job, url: form_url) do |form| %>
<% if has_job.errors.any? %>
<div style="color: red">
<h2><%= pluralize(has_job.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this has_job from being saved:</h2>
<% has_job.errors.each do |error| %>
<li><%= error.full_message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= form.label :employee_role, style: "display: block" %>
<%= form.text_field :employee_role %>
<%= form.label :start_node, style: "display: block" %>
<%= form.collection_select(:start_id, Person.all, :id, :first_name, prompt: 'Select a person') %>
<%= form.label :end_node, style: "display: block" %>
<%= form.collection_select(:end_id, Company.all, :id, :company_name, prompt: 'Select a Company') %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
To make your code more robust (enforce that the appropriate node type is associate with the start- and end-nodes) you can adjust the edge definition by adding the node type to the start_node
and end_node
attribute :start_node
attribute :end_node
attribute :start_node, :person
attribute :end_node, :company
For example you can make the edge/has_pet.rb more robust by making the model look like:
# app/edges/has_job.rb
class HasJob
include ApacheAge::Entities::Edge
attribute :employee_role, :string
attribute :start_node, :person
attribute :end_node, :company
validates :employee_role, presence: true
validate :validate_unique
def validate_unique
.new(attributes: %i[employee_role start_node end_node])
The generator will only allow :node
(default type) since at the time of running the generator (at least within tests, the custom types are not known), eventually, I hope to find a way to fix that and allow:
rails generate apache_age:node HasPet start_node:person end_node:pet caretaker_role
but that doesn't work yet!
Age Cypher Queries
flintstone_family =
Person.where(last_name: 'Flintstone')
# generates the query
FROM cypher('age_schema', $$
MATCH (find:Person)
WHERE find.last_name = 'Flintstone'
ORDER BY find.first_name
$$) as (Person agtype);
# and returns:
[{:id=>844424930131974, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Ed", :gender=>"male"},
{:id=>844424930131976, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Edna", :gender=>"female"},
{:id=>844424930131986, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Fred", :gender=>"male"},
{:id=>844424930131975, :last_name=>"Flintstone", :first_name=>"Giggles", :gender=>"male"}]
query =
.match("(a:Person), (b:Person)")
.where("a.name = 'Node A'", "b.name = 'Node B'")
.return("a.name", "b.name")
.as("name_a agtype, name_b agtype")
or more generally (soon - not yet tested nor santized):
tihen =
.create("(person:Person {name: 'Tihen'})")
.as('Person agtype')
AGE Usage within Rails Console
see AGE Usage within Rails Console