RailsFilemanager ajax is a mountable engine aiming to provide simple integration with existing application needing a file manager.
Currently it supports file owners and owners' maximum storage space. The files are organized in a tree-like structure.
NOTE: As this gem is in active development, this readme is given primarily as a reminder for myself since most of the stuff described will change daily.
Add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'rails_filemanager_ajax', git: "https://github.com/makkrnic/rails-filemanager-ajax.git"
Mount the engine
mount RailsFilemanager::Engine => "/rails_filemanager"
Run the migrations
bundle exec rake rails_filemanager:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
In the ApplicationController
define the method current_owner
. This will change in the future.
An example of such method is:
def current_owner
Owner.find_by params[:owner_id]
In the model you want to be owner of files add the following snippet:
include RailsFilemanager::ActsAsFilemanagerOwner
acts_as_filemanager_owner storage_limit_method: :my_method
And, of course, define the method you want to use.
User authorization
If you want to allow or deny file managing, you should implement the method user_can_manage_files?
in your application controller.
In the future, that will be changed to something smarter.
- tests