Fully customizable Rainbow trail RSpec formatter.
It simply creates a rainbow trail of test results. It also counts the number of examples as they execute and highlights failed and pending specs.
The rainbow changes colors as it runs!.
Works with RSpec 3.x
Based on Matt Sears Nyan Cat RSpec Formatter
Using Rainbow
You can either specify the formatting when using the rspec
rspec --format RainbowFormatter
Or add --format RainbowFormatter
to a .rspec
file placed in your project's root directory,
so that you won't have to specify the --format
option everytime you run the command.
Only animation formatter .rspec file
--format RainbowFormatter
Music formatter .rspec file
--format RainbowMusicFormatter
Then run rspec spec
and enjoy Rainbow formatted text output accompanied by Rainbow song by default!.
All music was composed by Maria Delfina Ciarrochi
This currently only works on Mac OS X or on Linux (if you have mpg321 or mpg123 installed).
With running test output
--format RainbowVerboseFormatter
Displays "running" line with name of test on the first line.
Display failed tests immediately
--format RainbowInstaFailFormatter
Displays failed tests immediately!
Using with Bundler
To use Rainbow formatter with a project that uses Bundler (Rails or Sinatra f.e.) you need to add Rainbow Cat dependecy to your Gemfile:
group :test do
gem "rainbow_formatter"
And then run bundle install
Customizing Rainbow
You can create your own version, with your own song and draw, this way:
module YourCustomMode
def ascii_array
def rainbow_mp3
RainbowFormatter.configure do |config|
# Could be a module like above one or a already bundled mode
config.formatter = YourCustomMode
# config.formatter = :tina_dream (or any already bundle modes below)
It's easy to build your array using a string escape tool. Each position of array should be an escaped version of chosen ascii and could be used one after the other as an animation. You can view some examples at /lib/formatter/custom folder. This is a good start point to choose some asciis.
Already bundled modes:
- :car
- :dog
- :monkey
- :tina_bike
- :tina_dream
Once you've made your great commits:
- Fork Rainbow
- Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
- Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
- Create a Pull Request from your branch
- That's it!