RankMirror is a ruby implementation of rankmirrors
in ArchLinux but for all modern Linux distributions.
$ gem install rankmirror
$ rankmirror --help
eg. rankmirror -o opensuse --flavor tumbleweed --continent asia
, the fastest openSUSE Tumbleweed mirror in Asia.
rankmirror -o fedora --flavor 25 --country cn
, the fastest Fedora 25 mirror in China.
rankmirror -o epel --flavor 7 --country cn
, the fastest EPEL 7 mirror in China.
rankmirror -o packman -s
will get you: the fastest Packman mirror from the World. And save that to a packman.mirrorlist in your ~/.rankmirror
Next time, just rankmirror -l -o packman -s
, which is faster^2. Because most of the times, there're only a few mirrors that are fast to you.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.