** Working on 1.9.3 **
Contains additional widgets for the rbcurse ncurses toolkit. rbcurse helps to easily build ncurses application for text terminals.
rbcurse-extras contains either more complex widgets or less common ones that may be helpful in some applications.
Some less frequently used widgets:
horizlist - a horizontal scrollable list like what I've seen on vim sometimes
menutree - menu inspired by the
program. Core replaces this, i think.
The following allow you to put multiple objects in one container and cycle them.
rmultisplit - column browse pattern, like OSX's directory. As many lists in one widget, can see as many as you want, and tab through them. Scrolls lists as you tab.
rpopupmenu - Similar to menu, but pops up on form, like Ctrl-click on browser
rvimsplit - replacement of splitpane, allows placement of widgets in one container, inspired by vim's splits
The following have been in rbcurse since version 1 or so, but removed to extras to keep core as simple and robust as possible. core contains simpler versions of the same. Avoid using them if you can use their core counterparts.
multilinelabel - the original Label. Removed from core, to keep core simple.
rcomboedit - the original editable combo from core. Again, moved here to keep core simple.
rlistbox - the original editable list.
rtable - the original editable table. Pretty complex piece of code based on Java's Jtable, I don't want this in core, use only if really required.
rbcurse-extras will not be as stable as core. It will change more frequently. Stuff from experimental may move here.
See also
rbcurse-core - http://github.com/rkumar/rbcurse-core/
rbcurse-experimental - http://github.com/rkumar/rbcurse-experimental/
rbcurse - http://github.com/rkumar/rbcurse/
gem install rbcurse-extras
# the core, and extra stuff
To install everything:
gem install rbcurse
# the core, extra and experimental stuff
Same as ruby license.
(c) copyright rkumar, 2008-2011.