RBF - Ruby BrainFuck
Yay, birthday, dragon book, let's code.
With this thingy you can parse and evaluate brainfuck and brainfuck-like languages, you can define your own syntax (aka aliases) to use as a brainfuck language.
This is the default syntax:
:forward => '>',
:backward => '<',
:increase => '+',
:decrease => '-',
:output => '.',
:input => ',',
:while_start => '[',
:while_end => ']'
And this is a custom syntax:
:forward => '!!!!',
:backward => 'ASD',
:increase => 'XD',
:decrease => 'LOL',
:output => 'PLS',
:input => 'CMQ',
:while_start => '[',
:while_end => ']'
You can also run brainfuck sources or run a brainfuck repl, just use the rbf binary.
require 'rbf'
RBF.parse('++[.]') # => ["+", "+", ["."]]
RBF.parse('XD XD [PLS]', RBF::Syntax::Nintendo) # => ["+", "+", ["."]]
RBF['++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.'] # => "Hello World!\n"