react_componet¶ ↑
react_component is a small gem that serves single CoffeeScript file to help you clean up your render() function in your React components. It is intended to be used along (react-rails) gem.
Installation¶ ↑
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'react_component'
Add to your components.js:
//= require react_component
Restart your Rails server.
Usage¶ ↑
Define your components as follow:
@MyComponent = ReactComponent({ ... })
But in your Render function you can use the followint DSL (exposing all methods from React.DOM except “var” ;)):
div(null, span("Hello"))
This gets way nicer if you use CoffeeScript. The DSL becomes close to slim or haml:
render: -> div null, h1 null, "This is some header" ul null, li null, "Item 1" li null, "Item 2" li null, "Item 3"
You can always embed other components like you would before:
render: -> some_component = React.createFactory(SomeComponent)(some: 'props', go: 'here') div null, h1 null, "This is some header" some_component