The ReactiveExtensions gem adds a variety of useful methods into core Ruby classes
in the spirit of ActiveSupport. This gem can
be used in any kind of project and is not dependent on any frameworks, gemsets, etc.
Its only runtime dependency is ReactiveSupport.
To add ReactiveExtensions to your project, add this to your Gemfile and run bundle install
gem 'reactive_extensions', '~> 0.5.0.beta'
To install locally:
sudo gem install reactive_extensions
Or if you're using RVM:
gem install reactive_extensions
You can also point your Gemfile to this repo:
gem 'reactive_extensions', '~> 0.5.0.beta', git: '
After installing, simply include this in your main project file:
require 'reactive_support'
Please note that version 0.4.0.beta is the earliest available version of ReactiveExtensions.
Contributions are welcome and I will respond promptly to all issue reports and pull requests. Particularly helpful are pull requests adding support for additional Rubies. (Currently, only Matz Rubies >= 1.9.3 are supported.) Here are some general guidelines to get you started:
- Include passing RSpec tests with your pull request. I aim for 100% test coverage.
- Run the whole test suite before you make your PR. Make sure your changes don't break the rest of the gem.
- Don't add any new dependencies to ReactiveExtensions, or methods that are specific to a particular framework, gemset, or type of app.
- Include documentation. ReactiveExtensions uses Inch CI to evaluate the quality of documentation. Please help make it easy for others to use and contribute to this project.
- ReactiveExtension is designed with principles of stability, simplicity, and transparency in mind. Its functionality should be easy to understand and use.