RecordCache¶ ↑
RecordCache is a simple yet powerful extension to ActiveRecord that caches indexes and ActiveRecord models using MemCache. If you use it correctly, it will drastically reduce your database load.
Usage:¶ ↑
require 'record_cache' class User < ActiveRecord record_cache :by => :id record_cache :id, :by => :username end # These will use the cache now. User.find(1) User.find_by_id(2) User.find_all_by_username('chuck')
Invalidation is handled for you using callbacks. Be careful though if you modify records directly using SQL. Both update_all and delete_all handle invalidations for you, but other direct SQL will not.
Install:¶ ↑
gem install record_cache
Dependencies:¶ ↑
RecordCache is confirmed to work with Rails 2.3.9. It does not currently work with Rails 3.
License:¶ ↑
Copyright © 2009 Justin Balthrop,; Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE