OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes as RecursiveOpenStructs.
It allows for hashes within hashes to be called in a chain of methods:
ros = { wha: { tagoo: 'siam' } } )
ros.wha.tagoo # => 'siam'
Also, if needed, nested hashes can still be accessed as hashes:
ros.wha_as_a_hash # { tagoo: 'siam' }
Optional: Recurse Over Arrays
RecursiveOpenStruct can also optionally recurse across arrays, although you have to explicitly enable it.
Default behavior:
h = { :somearr => [ { name: 'a'}, { name: 'b' } ] }
ros =
ros.somearr # => [ { name: 'a'}, { name: 'b' } ]
Enabling recurse_over_arrays
ros =, recurse_over_arrays: true )
ros.somearr[0].name # => 'a'
ros.somearr[1].name # => 'b'
Optional: Preserve Original Keys
Also, by default it will turn all hash keys into symbols internally:
h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =
ros.to_h # => { fear: 'is', the: 'mindkiller' }
You can preserve the original keys by enabling :preserve_original_keys
h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =, preserve_original_keys: true)
ros.to_h # => { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' }
Optional: Raise error on missing attribute
This option allows to raise an error if you try to call an attribute you didn't specify in hash
h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =, raise_on_missing: true)
ros.undefined # => undefined method `undefined' for #<RecursiveOpenStruct fear="is", the="mindkiller">
The default behaviour returns nil
h = { 'fear' => 'is', 'the' => 'mindkiller' } }
ros =
ros.undefined # => nil
Available as a gem in rubygems, the default gem repository.
If you use bundler, just add recursive-open-struct to your gemfile :
gem 'recursive-open-struct'
You may also install the gem manually:
gem install recursive-open-struct
If you would like to file or fix a bug, or propose a new feature, please review CONTRIBUTING first.
Supported Ruby Versions
Recursive-open-struct attempts to support just the versions of Ruby that are still actively maintained. Once a given major/minor version of Ruby no longer receives patches, they will no longer be supported (but recursive-open-struct may still work). I usually update the travis.yml file to reflect this when preparing for a new release or do some other work on recursive-open-struct.
I also try to update recursive-open-struct to support new features in OpenStruct itself as new versions of Ruby are released. However, I don't actively monitor the status of this, so a newer feature might not work. If you encounter such a feature, please file a bug or a PR to fix it, and I will try to cut a new release of recursive-open-struct quickly.
SemVer Compliance
Rescursive-open-struct follows SemVer 2.0 for its versioning.
Copyright (c) 2009-2018, The Recursive-open-struct developers (given in the file AUTHORS.txt). See LICENSE.txt for details.