a small ruby gem that allows automated redis RDB-file backups with support for compression and S3 uploading.
gem install redis-backup
redis-backup [options]
Specific options:
-b, --backup-dir BACKUP_DIR Directory to write backups to
-c, --compress Compress backup as a zip file
-s, --redis-source REDIS_SOURCE Full path to redis dump.rdb file
-m REDIS_SAVE_METHOD, The method to call on redis for saving (save or bgsave or none)
-H, --redis-host REDIS_HOST Host for local redis
-p, --redis-port REDIS_PORT Port for local redis
-A S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID, Your access_key_id for AWS S3
-B, --s3-bucket S3_BUCKET Name of bucket to use on S3
-C, --s3-clean Cleanup intermediate backup files
-S S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, Your secret_access_key for AWS S3
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
--version Show version