This a RefineryCMS plugin for managing slideshows in the backend. It's intended to include some kind of helper + JS code so we can have a slideshow without having to write again the HTML, but for now thatś just a dream.
In Gemfile gem "refinerycms-slideshow", "~>"
Current status
The plugin right now includes a backend that allow us to create a slideshow and attach it slides with images, videos and an html body.
It also includes a way to attach a slideshow to an object and add it to that object's admin.
Attaching an Slideshow to a model
To attach an slideshow to a model you must:
Generate a migration with an slideshow id field
rails g migration AddSlideshowToModel slideshow_id:integer
Include the slideshow concern into the model and attach the slideshow
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
include Refinery::Slideshow::Concerns::ModelWithSlideShow
attach_slideshow :slideshow
This will use the previously created slideshow_id field to create a belongs_to
relationship, so if you want another name for your slideshow (e.g. attach_slideshow :cool_slideshow
) you will have to name your id_field in a different way in the migration (e.g. rails g migration AddSlideshowToModel cool_slideshow_id:integer
- Use the slides partial in this model's admin:
<%= render 'refinery/slideshow/admin/slides/index', slideshow: f.object.slideshow %>
- Depending on your scenary you may (or may not) need to initialize your slideshow attribute. By default, every time you access to the attached slideshow we are creating it:
object_model.slideshow # -> Voilá! We have created one slideshow on DB
But sometimes you don't want this behaviour (e.g. I only want blog posts from some category to include a slideshow). You can achieve this by overwriting a special method in the class called needs_slideshow?
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
include Refinery::Slideshow::Concerns::ModelWithSlideShow
attach_slideshow :slideshow
def needs_slideshow?
# Just return a boolean. True if we must create it, False if we must not
Again, if you use some different slideshow name (we used previously cool_slideshow
) this method would be named after that slideshow name (needs_cool_slideshow?
To Do
- Some default front helpers: This way we could have a slideshow running without any extra front effort