Tool to manage debian repositories.
This project is really new and not completely tested. Use it at your own risk.
The idea
The idea was to create a small, leightweight and easy to use debian repository management tool that provides a staging area for jenkins package builds using fpm-cookery, basic gpg support and some custom features.
Every destructive action can be reverted.
It's roughly not finished yet!
Package lifecycle
As mentioned before, RepoMate has a staging area. Every package you are trying to add through the commandline interface will be copied to the staging area. This action will not affect your production pool. You have to publish a package or a set of packages to bring them into production. When you do, the selected packages will be moved from "stage" to "pool" (This is like an archive) and linked from the "pool" to "dists". Note that "dists"" normally contains just all the metafiles like Packages or Packages.gz. We like to have all what apt needs in just one directory.
newpackage -> (add) -> stage -> (publish) -> production
Checkpoints may help if you accidently published a bunch of packages to the wrong suite (lenny, squeeze,…) or component (main, contrib, non-free,…).
If you did:
repomate load
Choose the last checkpoint and be happy again.
Note that checkpoints will be auto-saved before each publish sequence.
Repository server
dpkg is used to compare package versions. I tried to do it on my own, but debian uses very annoying version strings with a couple of variants.
Please make sure you have the following packages installed:
- ruby
- dpkg
- libsqlite3-dev
Get RepoMate
gem install repomate
Configure RepoMate
Create your own config file.
vi ~/.repomate
Default config:
:rootdir: /var/lib/repomate/repository
:dpkg: /usr/bin/dpkg
- lenny
- squeeze
- main
- contrib
- all
- amd64
:origin: Repository
:label: Repository
:gpg: false
:gpg_password: secret
I recommend you to enable GPG support. I'm sure you will find a lot of tutorials which describe the process of creating a GPG keypair.
Configure webserver
Configure your favorite webserver by adding RepoMate's rootdirectory to a site or vhost.
Pretty basic apache2 example:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/lib/repomate
<Directory /var/lib/repomate/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
Adding packages
repomate add -s squeeze package.deb
repomate publish
Add something like this to your machines /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb [arch=all,amd64] http://server/repository squeeze main
Setup base directory structure (optional):
repomate setup -s squeeze [ -c main ]
Add a package to the staging area:
repomate add -s squeeze <path_to_packagefile>
Publish all packages from the staging area. That means they will be linked to production:
repomate publish
Load a checkpoint:
repomate load
Save a checkpoint:
repomate save
List all packages in pool:
repomate listpackages -r pool
List all packages in stage:
repomate listpackages -r stage
Choose a package to you want to activate (The package will be linked from the pool to the dists directory):
repomate activate
Choose a package to you want to deactivate (The package will be unlinked from the dists directory but still kept in the pool):
repomate deactivate
Remove/Purge a package:
repomate remove