A tiny convenience function to require or autoload all ruby files in a directory.
$ gem install requires
# Require a directory (recursively)
require 'requires'
requires 'lib'
# Individual files can also be loaded (with or without extension)
requires 'lib/base'
requires 'lib/base.rb'
# well as external gems or built in libraries
requires 'yaml'
All paths are relative to the location of the file that calls requires
Autoload en masse, with paths relative to the one calling autuoloads
require 'requires'
autoloads 'lib', %i[Asset SomeAPI HTTPClient]
which is equivalent to these native autoload statements:
autoload :Asset, './lib/asset'
autoload :SomeAPI, './lib/some_api'
autoload :HTTPClient, './lib/HTTPClient'
In case you wish to autoload from the same directory, you can omit the first argument:
autoloads %i[Asset SomeAPI HTTPClient]
# which is the same as
# autoloads '.', %i[Asset SomeAPI HTTPClient]