RightScale REST Connection
This gem is deprecated!
If you only use API 1.5, you should use the right_api_client gem instead.
The rest_connection gem is a Ruby library for RightScale's API 0.1, 1.0 and 1.5.
Legacy clusters:
- API 0.1 AWS clouds
- API 1.0 AWS clouds
- API 1.5 non-AWS clouds
Unified clusters:
- API 1.0 AWS clouds
- API 1.5 all clouds
This gem also supports RightScale's instance facing API 1.0, which use the instance token to login. The instance token is found in the instance's user data as 'RS_rn_auth' or alternatively as part of 'RS_api_url'. The user data is available under the 'Info' tab on the server's page in the RightScale Dashboard.
Ruby 1.8.7 or higher is required.
Installing from RubyGems
"gem install rest_connection"
Installing from source
"git clone git@github.com:rightscale/rest_connection.git"
"cd rest_connection"
"gem install rconf"
"rconf" <- follow any further instructions from rconf
"bundle install"
This gem follows semantic versioning.
Usage Instructions
You must setup '~/.rest_connection/rest_api_config.yaml' or '/etc/rest_connection/rest_api_config.yaml'
Copy the example from '$GEMHOME/rest_connection/config/rest_api_config.yaml.sample' and fill in your connection info.
Pro Tip: to find a $GEMHOME, use gemedit
"gem install gemedit"
"gem edit rest_connection"
The following examples assume an interactive ruby session (irb):
$ bundle exec irb
ruby> require 'rubygems'; require 'rest_connection'
Look up and run a RightScript
first_fe = Server.find(:first) { |s| s.nickname =~ /Front End/ }
st = ServerTemplate.find(first_fe.server_template_href)
connect_script = st.executables.detect { |ex| ex.name =~ /LB [app|mongrels]+ to HA proxy connect/i }
state = first_fe.run_executable(connect_script)
Stop a Deployment
deployment = Deployment.find(opts[:id])
my_servers = deployment.servers
my_servers.each { |s| s.stop }
my_servers.each { |s| s.wait_for_state("stopped") }
Activate an Ec2ServerArray / Display instances IPs
my_array = Ec2ServerArray.find(opts[:href])
my_array.active = true
puts my_array.instances.map { |i| i['ip-address'] }
Design Decisions
Currently, all API resources are represented by classes in 'lib/rest_connection/rightscale'. Various helper modules are also located in this directory.
API 0.1 resources
API 0.1 resources are often named with suffix '_internal'.
They often pull in common internal code:
include RightScale::Api::Internal
extend RightScale::Api::InternalExtend
API 1.0 resources
API 1.0 resources are often named with prefix 'ec2_' for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
They often pull in common internal code:
include RightScale::Api::Base
extend RightScale::Api::BaseExtend
API 1.5 resources
API 1.5 resources are often named with prefix 'mc_' for MultiCloud. They often talk to the MultiCloud gateway and therefore pull in some common gateway code:
include RightScale::Api::Gateway
extend RightScale::Api::GatewayExtend
Wrong ruby version
Ruby 1.8.7 or higher is required.
To cut a new gem and push to RubyGems:
Edit lib/rest_connection/version.rb with semantic version number.
"bundle exec gem build rest_connection.gemspec"
"ls *.gem" <- verify that gem was built
"cd /tmp"
"bundle exec gem install /path/to/local/rest_connection-X.Y.Z.gem" <- replace X.Y.Z with your new version number
"bundle exec gem uninstall rest_connection"
"cd -"
"bundle exec gem push rest_connection-X.Y.Z.gem"
Check it out: rest_connection