On MS Windows, restart runs your shell command, then re-runs it any time filesystem change is detected.
EXAMPLE: restart ruby test.rb
This will run ruby test.rb
, then re-run it after the test.rb file changes (or any other files change in current working directory or any subdirectories under it).
gem install restart
It is highly recommended that you also install the wdm gem, which enables listen to receive filesystem event notifications from Windows instead of polling the filesystem for changes:
gem install wdm
restart [options] <your shell command>
-d, --dir DIR[,DIR...] Directory tree to watch for filesystem changes.
restart -d app rackup
restart -d .,../test,../lib rake test
restart -d .,../test -d../lib rake test
restart -d . -d ../test -d ../lib rake test
-f, --file EXT[,EXT...] Only watch files with given extension, plus files
with matching name that do not have an extension.
restart -f Rakefile rake
restart -f rb ruby test.rb
restart -f rb,yml ruby app.rb
restart -f rb -f yml ruby app.rb
-i, --ignore REGX[,REGX...] Ignore file paths matching regular expression.
restart -i \.pid$,\.coffee$
restart -i \.pid$ -i \.coffee$
-c, --clear Clear screen between each run.
-e, --explain Show current values for all options and quit.
-v, --version Display version and quit.
-h, --help Display this help message and quit.