Revise is a authentication gem for Padrino heavily inspired by (and significant portions of code borrowed from) Devise. It supports Mongomapper and Mongoid with hopefully more ORMs being supported soon.
It currently provides the following;
- Registration CRUD
- Sessions CRUD
- Recovery
- Confirmation
- Invitations
Warning! Early alpha phase, use at your own risk!
Although fully tested and being used in production on my apps, Revise is not quite up to par. It needs a bit of work still. Please only use it if you're confident in your ability to debug bugs and fix them. Pull Requests are very welcome!
- Add the development version of padrino-responders to your gem file
gem 'padrino-responders', :git => 'git://'
- Add the gem to your gem file
gem 'revise'
- Add the following to your app/app.rb file
register Padrino::Admin::AccessControl
register Padrino::Revise
revise_for :accounts
set :session_id, :dragons
enable :sessions
disable :store_location
set :login_page, '/sessions/new'
- Configure Revise on your Account model. Below is an example utilizing all available features
class Account
include MongoMapper::Document
revise :authenticatable, :database_authenticatable, :confirmable, :recoverable, :invitable
# Keys
key :name, String
key :first_name, String
key :last_name, String
key :username, String
key :email, String
key :encrypted_password, String
key :role, String
## Confirmations
key :confirmation_token, String
key :confirmed_at, Time
key :unconfirmed_email, String
key :confirmation_sent_at, Time
## Recovery
key :reset_password_sent_at, Time
key :reset_password_token, String
## Invitations
key :invitation_token, String
key :invitation_sent_at, Time
key :invitation_accepted_at, Time
key :invitation_limit, Integer
key :invited_by_id, ObjectId
- Configure Revise (usually you want to place this in lib/revise_plugin.rb)
require 'revise'
Revise.setup do |config|
config.pepper = 'notsalt'
config.mailer_from = 'test_email@localhost'
config.case_insensitive_keys = [:email]
config.strip_whitespace_keys = [:email]
config.reconfirmable = true
Look at lib/revise.rb for all the available configuration options.
Since Padrino does not have controllers as classes Revise uses route priorities to allow you to over-ride it's default routes.
Upon registration with the Padrino app (register Padrino::Revise; revise_for :accounts
) Revise includes it's controller routes into the app.
Requiring Invitations For Registration
The simplest way to do this is to disable the /accounts/new route with a before filter; then require your users to register at invitations route.
AppName.controllers :accounts do
before(:new, :create) do
halt 403, 'You need an invitation to register'
- Omniauth support
- Datamapper support
- Improve README/Docs
Most bits ported from Devise Invitation bits ported from devise_invitable
MIT License.
If you found this repo useful please consider supporting me on Gittip or sending me some
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