RightScale API Gem
A client library for the RightScale API. Still under development, but it has enough written to be useful.
There aren't any tests yet and it doesn't fully cover all the object types RightScale's API supports.
RightScale's API Docs
Usage Examples
###Stopping a Server RightScaleAPI.login user, pass account = RightScaleAPI::Account.get id foo_server = account.servers.find {|s| s.nickname == 'foo'} foo_server.stop
Spinning up a new server with an elastic ip associated at launch
RightScaleAPI.login user, pass
account = RightScaleAPI::Account.get id
ip = account.create_ec2_elastic_ip :nickname => 'foo'
foo_template = account.server_templates.find {|s| s.nickname == 'foo template'}
foo_deployment = account.deployments.find {|d| d.nickname == 'foo deployment'}
foo_security_group = account.ec2_security_groups.find { |s| s.aws_group_name == 'foo security group' }
#since there is no index for ssh keys, you need to find their id through the UI and get them directly(ugh).
foo_ssh_key = account.get_ec2_ssh_key("1234567890")
server = account.create_server :nickname => 'foo',
:server_template => foo_template,
:deployment => foo_deployment,
:ec2_ssh_key => foo_ssh_key,
:ec2_security_groups => foo_security_group
#we do this as an update, because rightscale's api doesn't let you set this on create (as of May 2010)
server.update :associate_eip_at_launch => true,
:ec2_elastic_ip => ip
Create a Deployment
account.create_deployment :nickname => 'foo',
:description => 'foo bar baz'
Show all Servers
Show an individual server
account.servers.find {|server| server.id ==}
Contributions Welcome
Fork away.
Needs tests, filling out the object types, etc.