Ripplr (Think Ripple/Solr)
Ripplr assists with indexing your Ripple documents stored in Riak. Ripplr currently supports simple full text indexing using Riak's Solr capabilities. This will evolve to support 2i as well.
Ripplr is dependant on ripple
and riak-client
. Ripplr is available on RubyGems and can be installed by adding ripplr
to your Gemfile.
It's simple to use!
Once you've installed the Ripplr gem using bundler you can begin setting up your Ripple Documents to be queryable.
To make a document queryable, include Ripplr::Queryable
and then describe which fields you would like to be queryable by using a queryable
For example you can define a class as queryable like this:
class Wod
include Ripple::Document
include Ripplr::Queryable
property :description, String
property :notes, String
property :performed_at, Time
queryable do
text :description
text :notes
time :performed_at
And then create, index and search for your documents like so:
todays_wod = Wod.create :description => 'Lawnmower 8x35lbs. Sqt Jumps 10x. Lunge Twist 20x10lbs ...', :performed_at =
todays_wod.index #add the index for your document
criteria = Wod.where(:description => "jumps") # Builds a criteria object
# Iterating over a criteria object, calling count(size, or length), or calling to_a executes the search
You can also limit, skip and order your search results, allowing you to paginate!
Wod.where(:description => "plyo").limit(10) # returns up to 10 matching results
Wod.where(:description => "plyo").skip(5) # skips the first 5 results
Wod.where(:description => "plyo").order_by(:created_at).descending # orders by created_at (Field must be defined as queryable!
# Chain it all together!
Wod.where(:description => 'kick ass').limit(10).skip(10).order_by(:created_at)
Find more details about specifying query params in the specs: