RMITM provides a ruby interface to mitmdump - the command line version of mitmproxy.
gem install rmitm
(Obviously) mitmproxy must be installed - version 0.10.1.
Note: Some corporate firewalls may block access to In this case, the source of the site is available via github - specifically the installation page.
RMITM is developed and used on OSX. Although there is no obvious reason why RMITM wouldn't work on Linux, this is untested.
For Windows, there are specific reasons why some features of RMITM would not work as is. Fixing these would be fairly straightforward, should you need to, but up to now running on Windows hasn't been a requirement.
RMITM came about from the need to automate a pack of manual functional web tests in Ruby. The manual tests used a proxy application to modify specific server responses, but the proxy application only had a limited API that enabled turning functionality on or off, not configure responses on a per test basis.
A number of alternative proxies were investigated and mitmproxy was identified as the closest match to the requirements, except that it was implemented in Python. The decision was therefore made to implement a new HTTP proxy in Ruby.
This worked fine until the requirements changed and some of the requests needed to be made over HTTPS. It was decided that adding "man-in-the-middle" functionality to the Ruby proxy would be more complex than creating an integration layer for mitmdump in Ruby. Hence RMITM was created.
Copyright (C) 2014 Marc Bleeze (marcbleeze<at>gmail<dot>com)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
Defining proxies
configurations are defined using a DSL:
mitmdump :p1 do
port 8888
output 'my.dump'
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321a479f0 @name=:p1, @port=8888, @output="my.dump", @scripts=[], @params={}>
By default the proxy starts on port 8080 and outputs traffic flows to ./dumps/mitm.dump (any required directories will be created, subject to permissions).
mitmdump :default do
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321a71610 @name=:default, @port=8080, @output="dumps/mitm.dump", @scripts=[], @params={}>
Since Mitmdump
is intended for use with test automation the proxy will always start in quiet mode.
Loading proxies from file
At runtime the named configurations can be loaded from file(s) using a glob pattern. For example, if the configuration above is defined in ./features/support/mitm/config.mitm:
Loading the proxies creates a hash of proxy configs that can be retrieved by name using #proxy
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321a479f0 @name=:p1, @port=8888, @output="my.dump", @scripts=[], @params={}>
Starting proxy
Stopping proxy
Altering specific requests or responses in your application traffic flow is achieved using mitmproxy's scripting API.
RMITM bundled scripts
RMITM includes Python scripts for some common functionality.
Currently these are:
- Blacklist - returns a 404 response if the request path matches a regular expression
- Map local - the response content for any request with a path matching a regular expression will contain the contents of the file provided
- Replace - for any request with a path matching a regular expression, any text in the response content matching a second regular expression will be replaced with the provided string
- Strip Encoding - removes the Accept-Encoding header from the request headers so that traffic is not compressed
Already demonstrated above
- specifies the port for the proxy to listen on, defaults to 8080 if not provided
- specifies the file for mitmdump to write traffic flows to, defaults to dumps/mitm.dump
Bundled scripts
mitmdump :example do
blacklist '\/collect\?'
map_local '\/',
:file => 'local_homepage.html'
replace '\/application_config\.js',
:swap => 'name=\"timeout\" value=\"\d+\"',
:with => "name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"10\\\""
Note that, since strings will be passed to mitmdump via the command line, special attention needs to be paid to escaping quotes.
Custom scripts
Your own custom Python scripts can also be added:
mitmdump :custom do
script '/custom/'
Non-anonymous script arguments can be passed in a hash:
mitmdump :custom_with_args do
script 'lib/python/', '-h' => '', '-u' => 'user1'
Parameters, denoted by %
, can be included in script argument strings, however for the replacement to succeed at runtime, they must also be declared using param
mitmdump :parameter_example do
param 'new_value'
replace '\/application_config\.js',
:swap => 'name=\"timeout\" value=\"\d+\"',
:with => "name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"%new_value\\\""
param 'user'
script 'lib/python/', '-h' => '', '-u' => '%user'
Replacement values are specified in the #start
proxy('parameter_example').start 'new_value' => '20', 'user' => 'user2'
Config inheritance
It is possible to add scripts and parameters to a proxy configuration by 'inheriting' from previously defined configs:
mitmdump :default do
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321abed48 @name=:default, @port=8080, @output="dumps/mitm.dump", @scripts=[[".../", {}]], @params={}>
mitmdump :extend do
inherit :default
param 'new_value'
replace '\/application_config\.js',
:swap => 'name=\"timeout\" value=\"\d+\"',
:with => "name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"%new_value\\\""
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321b9c6c0 @name=:extend, @port=8080, @output="dumps/mitm.dump", @scripts=[[".../", {}], [".../", {"-p"=>"\\/application_config\\.js", "-x"=>"name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"\\d+\\\"", "-r"=>"name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"%new_value\\\""}]], @params={"%new_value"=>""}>
mitmdump :extend2 do
inherit :extend
blacklist '\/'
=> #<Mitmdump:0x007fc321bcdc70 @name=:extend2, @port=8080, @output="dumps/mitm.dump", @scripts=[[".../", {}], [".../", {"-p"=>"\\/application_config\\.js", "-x"=>"name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"\\d+\\\"", "-r"=>"name=\\\"timeout\\\" value=\\\"%new_value\\\""}], [".../", {"-p"=>"\\/"}]], @params={"%new_value"=>""}>
Other public methods
- returns the location of the mitmdump flow dump
Example Cucumber integration
Define your proxy configurations in ./features/support/mitm/config.mitm:
mitmdump :default do
# by inheriting :default in all other proxies, compression can be turned off globally
Load your proxy config definitions in ./features/support/env.rb:
Define a step definition similar to the following:
When(/^I use (\S*)\s*proxy(?: with \s*(.+\s*=\s*[^,\s]+),?)?$/) do |p, args|
h = args ? Hash[*args.gsub(/\s+|"|'/, '').split(/,|=/)] : {}
p = 'default' if p == ''
$mitm = proxy p.to_sym
Example steps matching this step definition:
When I use proxy
When I use custom proxy
When I use custom proxy with new_value = 20
When I use custom proxy with new_value = 20, user = 'user2', host = ""
Finally, stop the proxy at the end of the scenario in the After hook (conventionally specified in ./features/support/hooks.rb):
After do |scenario|
$mitm.stop if $mitm
Reading from an mitmdump output file
enables reading from an mitmdump output file to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
reader ='default').dumpfile)
reader.get_flows_from_file # returns an array of all flows in file in JSON format
reader.get_requests_from_file # returns an array of all requests in file in JSON format
reader.get_responses_from_file # returns an array of all responses in file in JSON format
If you need to run validations or queries on the contents of the dumpfile it is generally more practical to use MitmFlowArray
instead of MitmdumpReader
. MitmdumpReader
is just a Ruby integration layer for a Python program that parses the mitmdump output file format into JSON.
provides utility methods for filtering the recorded flows by one or more conditions and returning specific values from the JSON. JSONPath is used to achieve this.
f = MitmFlowArray.from_file(proxy('p1').dumpfile)
hosts = f.values_by_jpath('$')
response_codes = f.values_by_jpath('$..response.code')
conditions = [
['$', /stackoverflow\.com/],
['$..request.method', /POST/i]
so_post_request_paths = f.filter(conditions).values_by_jpath('$..request.path')
Given the structure of the JSON produced by MitmdumpReader
it is unexpected that a given JSONPath expression will yield more than one value per 'flow'. Consequently, by default, #values_by_jpath
returns an array of the first values found:
response_codes = f.values_by_jpath('$..response.code')
# ==> [200, 200]
An array of arrays of all values per flow that match the JSONPath expression can also be returned:
response_codes = f.values_by_jpath('$..response.code', false)
# ==> [[200], [200]]