

No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
ArmA 2 Ruby Library for RPT, Log, and GameSpy


~> 0.7
>= 2.0.0.rc1
~> 10.1
~> 3.0
~> 0.23.0
~> 0.8


>= 0.1.5, ~> 0.1
~> 0.12
~> 1.1
 Project Readme


Build Status MIT License RubyGems :: RMuh Gem Version Coveralls Coverage Code Climate Gemnasium

NOTICE: UnitedOperations has dropped support for ArmA 2. So as of now, this project should be considered no longer maintained. Due to this tests are also failing, so Travis CI has been disabled by renaming the .travis.yml file to .travis.yml.disabled

RMuh, a play on the name ArmA (Armed Assault), is a Ruby library for interacting with ArmA 2 servers (specifically tested against Operation Arrowhead servers).


RMuh is released under the The MIT License. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. The summary can be found here courtest of tldrlegal.

In short, MIT is a permissive license and means you can pretty much do what you want with this code as long as the original copyright is included.


I know different communities may have slightly different RPT/Server log files. Want to contribute changes/additions to the project? Just for the project to your own repo, make your changes and write corresponding RSpec tests, and then submit a PR.


This is packaged on the RubyGems site and can be installed via the gem command:

$ gem install rmuh

If you have a Gemfile or a Gemspec file for your project you can add these entires to these files and use bundle install to install the gem:


gem 'rmuh'

Gemspec: do |g|
  # ...
  g.add_runtime_dependency 'rmuh'
  # ...

Note: If you want to do version pinning within your Gemfile or Gemspec file visit RubyGems :: RMuh to see the specific versions available.


This is just an overview of how to use the specific features of RMuh. For full documentation please view the files within the lib dir, look in the examples dir, or visit the docs on RubyDoc.

So here are some examples of how to use the different classes.

Log Fetching

There is a built in log fetcher that uses httparty to pull the log files.

Here is an example of how to just fetch the full log and print it:

require 'rmuh/rpt/log/fetch'
URL = ''
f =
puts f.log

In this case f.log returns an Array object which will be used by the parsers to parse the log files.

If you want to specify a byte range:

f =, byte_start: 100, byte_end: 200)

This can be used to pull the log in smaller sizes if you are doing incremental updates. To compound the byte range ability, you can get the log file size as well as update the byte range after initializing the object:

f.size            # prints Fixnum
f.byte_start = 10 # Sets the first byte to 10
f.byte_end = 40   # Sets the last byte to 40

Log Parsing

Included with this module is a default log parser. The default parser does nothing but return each line as a Hash within an Array. There is no metadata extracted, it's a literal copy and paste of the provided log line. This default parser is primarily used as an example class to be used for subclassing of your own parser.

require 'rmuh/rpt/log/fetch'
require 'rmuh/rpt/parsers/base'
URL = ''
f =
p =
l = p.parse(f.log)

At this specific moment l would contain an Array of Hashes corresponding to the log lines.

Log Formatting

There are also built-in formatters that allow you to dump the events to a format similar to the original log lines. They were changed a bit to be more readable and relevant.

The formatters just take an event and return a String. Assuming event is a single valid event here:

require 'rmuh'
puts RMuh::PRT::Log::Formatters::UnitedOperationsRPT.format(event)

Server Stats

The RMuh gem also wraps the GamespyQuery Rubygem for pulling live statistics from the server. This includes current map, mission, play list, and others. Deep down this just uses the GameSpy protocol to get the information directly from the server.

Future Functionality Note

As of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead version 1.63 this is no longer working. This is due to GameSpy being shut down, and removed from ArmA 2 by Bohemia Interactive as part of ArmA 2:OA Update 1.63. Beyond the Bohemia Interactive server list there are no known alternatives to getting this information at the time of writing.

well fuck...

So, if you have an A2:OA server older than 1.63 (e.g., version 1.62), here is a quick overview of how to use this functionality:

require 'rmuh/serverstats/base'
UO_IP = ''
s = UO_IP)
puts s.stats

By default the ServerStats::Base class caches the information so you need to explicitly update the cache. This is not done automatically as it is a blocking operation, this allow you to block somewhere other than where you instantiate the object.

If you want to avoid using the cache:

s = UO_IP, cache: false)

If you want to be able to pull each part of the returned data set using dot-notation, you can use the Advanced class:

require 'rmuh/serverstats/base'
s = UO_IP)
puts s.players

In this case, players is an Array. If you specify a key that doesn't exist you will get a NoMethodError exception.


Having some problems understanding something? Just open an issue and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.