Rock Queue
Rock Queue is a simple, yet powerful unified interface for various messaging queues. In other words it allows you to swap your queuing back-end without making any modification to your application except changing the configuration parameters.
You can obtain this gem from one of those sources:
- Gemcutter: gem install rock-queue --source=http://
- Rubyforge: gem install rock-queue
If you are on Mac or linux (are there people still using windows :-) ?) you will need sudo privileges to run those commands.
How to use
Below you will find example how to setup Rock Queue. It's really straight-forward but please note that adapter is always passed as a symbol
Setup (Rails application)
In your config/initializers folder create a file rock_queue.rb and put following code into it.
require 'rock-queue'
RockQueue::Config.settings do |config|
config.adapter = :resque = ""
config.port = 6379
And that's it. You are ready to put your objects onto the queue.
Storing objects (ActiveRecord)
require 'rubygems'
require 'rock-queue'
# Set your settings here (like in the first example)
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
include RockQueue::ActiveRecordHelper
QUEUE = :default
def test
person = Person.find(1)
Following code will let you call the test
method asynchronously. In other words will put it onto the queue and let your worker(s) do the job.
You can perform async on any AR object just by passing the actual method name as a symbol. The QUEUE constant tells RockQueue on which queue the job should be put. Without this constant the job will be put on 'default' queue.
Retrieving objects by hand
require 'rubygems'
require 'rock-queue'
# Set your settings here (like in the first example)
config = RockQueue::Config.settings
@queue = config.adapter, {
:server =>,
:port => config.port
@queue.receive(:default) do |item|
# Do any operation on the retreived item
p item
Because of the fact that receive method in decoupled from the actual worker code you can easily come up with different worker implementation.
Setting up workers (Rails Application)
To setup a worker you have to require following code in your Rakefile
require 'rock-queue'
require 'rock-queue/tasks'
Then just run:
$ rake environment rock_queue:work QUEUE=high,low
QUEUE param speficies which queues worker should process and in which order.
- means all available queues.
Rock-queue allows you to register endless number of notifiers using simple DSL which looks like this.
RockQueue::Config.settings do |config|
config.adapter = :resque = ""
config.port = 6379
config.notifiers do |n|
:server => '',
:port => 465,
:username => 'youraccount',
:password => 'yourpassword',
:from => '',
:to => ''
takes an instance of your notifications mechanism. Every notifiaction class must contain only two methods: initialize and update.
First one for configuration purposes and the second one that actually performs the process of sending a notification.
Web Interface
Failure handling
The worker will retry try to run the job again number of times (3 by default, but it is configurable). In the event of a last allowed failure worker will pass the exception information to all registered notifiers.
RockQueue ships with email notifier. Important If you are using an adapter for queueing library that provides similar mechanism consider disabling it. Otherwise you will most likely receive multiple notifications about the same error.
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
- Grzegorz Kazulak
- Daniel ChruĊciak