Two ruby scripts that can ask anyone that's listening for their hostname and number of cores.
ruby server_info_control.rb start
: listen on port 33333 for someone to request their stats, then respond on port 33334. "I am an available server to test on".
ruby server_info_control.rb stop
: stop listening/responding. "..."
require 'rollcall'
test_server_info = Rollcall.call_roll
Broadcast to port 33333 to solicit information, then listen for responses for 2 seconds on port 33334.
p test_server_info
=> { "new-test-machine-<uuid>.local" => {cores: 8, role: :test_0}, "new-test-machine-<other-uuid>.local" => {cores: 16, role: :test_1}}
Based on super handy code examples on
Specifically this one:
And this one: