Small AMQP to Sidekiq bridge, allowing Sidekiq jobs to be triggered via AMQP. You define your Sidekiq jobs as usual, but instead of manually invoking the jobs, you define to which AMQP event the worker should listen on.
Take for example a fleet of services all reporting their current status every
once in a while to your central monitoring service. Because these services do
not care about when their status report is being processed and by whom, they
simple send it via your AMQP server's status
exchange and let others handle
the rest.
The monitoring service now uses Roundhousekiq to asynchronously process these status reports and to keep the load from the main server process, it does the processing in background using Sidekiq. Simply set up a new Sidekiq worker, specify the AMQP exchange and routing key to listen on, and let Roundhousekiq handle the AMQP bindings and finding the right worker for each message:
class StatusWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Roundhousekiq::Worker
# AMQP configuration
exchange_name 'status'
exchange_type :topic
queue_name 'roundhousekiq_status_worker'
routing_key 'status.*'
# Attributes:
# payload: Parsed JSON payload directly from AMQP
def perform(payload)
# Heavy computing action...
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'roundhousekiq'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install roundhousekiq
- Create an initializer in config/initializers/roundhousekiq.rb and specify your AMQP host.
Roundhousekiq.configure do |config|
# AMQP host address
# = ''
# AMQP host port
# config.port = '5672'
# AMQP vhost to be connected to
# config.vhost = '/'
# User credentials
# config.username = 'guest'
# config.password = 'guest'
# Prefetch count on all queues Roundhousekiq will subscribe to
# config.prefetch = 256
- Create your first worker. This worker does only differ from a normal Sidekiq
worker in the
module being included and specifying which exchange and routing key to listen on:
class Worker
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Roundhousekiq::Worker
exchange_name 'amq.topic'
exchange_type :topic
queue_name 'worker'
routing_key 'work'
def perform(payload)
# ...
A persistent queue named worker bound to the amq.topic exchange with the routing key work will be created. Each time a message arrives in that queue, this worker will be triggered.
You do not have to specify a queue name, if you do not want to have a persistent queue. AMQP will automatically create a queue for that worker, which is being deleted once the Roundhousekiq daemon shuts down.
- Run the Roundhousekiq daemon from the root of your Rails project:
$ bundle exec roundhousekiq